Chapter Two

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Days had passed and Loki still hadn't awakened, his breathing slow, steady though it hitched every so often as memories, thoughts, nightmares clouded his mind. His body was slowly healing itself, closing all the painful wounds, new scars forming along his once porcelain, flawless skin. Many had envied the trickster skin, how it was able to stay so 'perfect' even after all the things he has been through, all the torture his body has endured without one knowing so. It was no secret however, illusions became his very soul, hiding what goes on behind the curtains, when no one is looking.

As the sun began to set, the sound of wind blowing through the leaves traveled towards Loki's ears, dancing along as the beautiful sound made the once god stir, his fingers twitching as a painful groan came from his throat, ultimately scaring the woman whom had helped him heal these last few days, the woman who has kept a close eye on Loki, making sure at least someone would be there when he wakes. "W-water" Loki managed to croak out, his sight blurry, throat dry. Quickly getting up, the woman grabbed a glass, filling it with fresh water. "Here" she spoke softly, helping Loki drink.

As the trickster's eyes finally focused on his surroundings, his green hues looked around, familiarizing himself with the room he was in, the very same one he first came to. It was a relief to him, knowing that he hadn't been moved nor taken to what the mortals call a hospital, so Loki silently thanked the lady, asking politely if she could leave and she did, giving the raven-haired man some privacy. 

Slowly sitting himself up, Loki ran his slim fingers along his body, feeling bandages all along it, stitches were the deeper wounds once were. He felt every bump and ridge along his torso, moving towards his chest, the tips of his fingers tracing along the freshly made scars, a sigh escaping as he knew he could no longer hide such hideous sight.

Throwing his glass against the wall, Loki stood up and shuffled towards the broken window once more, emotionless eyes gazing upon the few whom walked the dimly lit streets. "Worthless" he hissed, turning his head away, a heavy groan escaping as he headed towards the shower, stripping himself of the filth.

The water hit his bare body, falling over his shoulders an down his back, hair damned as his fist rested against the tiled wall, head hanging low. The man's eyes were laid upon the showers floor, mind wandering, thinking of how things couldn't of went, how he could of still been a god, a king. However, non of that mattered any more, it was just about fools dream, a wish for the weak, the worthless. And truly that was all he was now, a man stripped of his powers, his pride, his very being and tossed aside like trash.

Loki stood in the shower for hours it seemed, the water no longer warm as his body was not effected by the change of temperature that happened so quickly. This inn in general was broken down, in need of a good fixing, similar to himself in a odd way. A heavy sigh escaped the trickster's lips upon hearing a heavy knock on the door, one he was my familiar with, so he simply ignored it, finally shutting the shower off, stepping out and wrapping a some what clean towel around his bare body, covering his flaws. Loki was quick to find himself at the window once more, his hues looking over a now empty street, snow beginning to fall. He hated snow.

"Loki look!" A young boy called out, his eyes full of excitement, bluer then the skies themselves. A boy who was so innocent, full of life and ready to take on the world. "I am busy, Thor leave me be" another young boy answered, his hair as dark as night, eyes a unique shade of green, reminds others of emeralds. Another boy whom was innocent, not yet plagued with jealousy, hatred. "Aw, but Loki it's snowing!" Thor spoke up once again, the brightest smile along his lips, eyes gazing into his younger brothers. "Please, Loki" he soon added, giving the young god those eyes he surely couldn't say no to, sometimes Loki wondered if it was the other way around, that Thor happened to be the youngest. He truly hated snow, but he did love his brother.

Snapping back into reality, Loki hadn't noticed the warm tears that stained his cheeks, how the little bit of snow turned into streets full, covering roads and sidewalks, the tress no longer green, but filled with the pureness. "Disgusting" he spat, shaking his head as he stepped away from the window, finally deciding to slide some clothes on, even if they were dirty, stained with dry blood, smelling awful. There wasn't much he could do about it, and certainly he hadn't been sent with fresh pair of clothes, the once prince was lucky enough to even have the ones he wore on his back.

"Loki isn't this fun?" The young blonde called out, scooping up hands full of snow as he threw it up into the air, his eyes full of kindness, love. "Thor you do know I despise the snow right?" Loki asked, brows furrowed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, sitting himself upon a nearby bench, watching as the other had 'fun'. "But Loki, you must love how it looks?" The older prince questioned, his head tilting ever so slightly as he made his way to the trickster. "You just cannot like snow brother" he added, a hit of sadness laced within his voice. Loki ignored the others statement, a annoyed sigh escaping his lips. "I'm going back inside" he boldly stated, standing up as he turned a heel. "I think not" the blonde chuckled, tackling the raven-haired boy to the ground, bury his face into Loki's shoulder.

Loki didn't know why he kept having flashbacks of that one memory, a memory that he ha long forgotten and tossed aside for it wasn't of importance, but something kept bringing back. It was beyond frustrating for him, remembering such a pointless thing, but even if he'd never admit such, Loki did miss Thor. Another knock on the door snapped Loki out of whatever trance he was in, his eyes narrowing as he glance at the door. The door itself was ran down, cracks showing, some deeper than others. The paint was chipped away and it looked as it hasn't been replaced in years. "Please leave me be" Loki said, his voice softer than usual, sounding like he has been defeated in a way. "I do believe this gentleman would like to see you" the woman from before spoke up, nervously biting her lip, eyes gazing up to the man whom stood beside her. Loki's curiosity got the best of him, a sigh escaping his icy lips, slowly turning the handle to open the door. 

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