Chapter Nine

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You're not of our shared blood, but the blood that runs through your veins of the very beast children's stories are made from: the stories of blue giants with no soul, ice cold hearts with nothing but anger and destruction running through their bones. A story of a baby boy, abandoned left to die by his very own father, only to be found and welcomed into a new loving family, yet this boy's true heritage was not to be spoken of for it would scare the citizens. The boy from those stories, the one people fear that one day this prince-king would come to seek his revenge. Why? Because he felt unloved,he was treated poorly by those whom he called his family,friends. You were meant to be more than this, more than what people made you to be though Loki, you still steered to all that hate, all that anger that consumed you and engulfed whatever was left of the boy I raised, the boy I loved. 

Frigga's voice had once more echoed through the tricksters mind, growing louder as he was unaware of the chaos happening around him, the very doctors trying to revive his frail body from this eternal slumber he felt,wanted so desperately. He was so close in joining his mother, the one person in the world who truly was there for him: the only one whom believed in him, showed him everything he knew now. The late queen had raised him like he washer own despite what he truly was, she cared for him just as much as she did Thor, if not more. Now that she was gone, the broken man couldn't help but regret the last things he had said, the actions he had done to cause her so much pain. He really was a monster, and always would be no matter how much he really wanted to change, or at least try to change then maybe, just maybe he would be granted his powers back, his title of prince. Prince? No...that title, he was no longer worthy of such and perhaps never had been to begin with. 

Were losing him!  Another shock, raise the voltage.1..2..3..

Loki, just because you can't get it right away  doesn't mean you should give up. My darling, I believe one day you'll be the most powerful within the realms, if you keep trying and practicing. Now let's try again shall we? Remember, deep breaths and focus. 

Another! 1..2...3...

See, it came out perfectly this time, I'm so proud of you. The young boy smiled happily, hues shining brightly as he showed his mother the rose he had made: it was a simple spell, but what Loki had created was beautiful, almost realistic. 

A gasp escaped the trickster, eyes shooting open as he sat up to catch his breath, vision blurry for it was trying to re focus once more, to take in the surroundings and faces of those who where in the room with him. How was he alive? This wasn't right, he should be making his way into the stars by now, A sad sigh escaped from his lips, hand now resting upon his forehead, breathing becoming stable. Once more sat Dr. Banner, brow raised as he couldn't quite figure out what was happening, and why he was acting like nothing had happened. This was even odder for the doctor because he knew that Loki wasn't a god anymore and was confused by the fact he didn't pass considering his condition. "What"the raven haired man asked, glaring towards Bruce for a moment before letting out a sharp gasp, a pain shooting up through his body, his bones. "Just curious, most wouldn't had woken up" the other answered. Shaking his head, Loki began to look out of the window near by, wondering himself the answer for why he was still here. Punishment? Perhaps..

Loki, my love never forget that you are my son and that you mean more to me than anything. I know times become rough, sometimes even unbearable but you do have those who love you, support you. Don't let such words get to you, they are false and these boys are simply jealous of you. 

And with that memory playing, a tear fell from Loki's eye. 

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