Do You Love Me?

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As they walked into the house they saw Bokuto's mother in the kitchen setting the table.

"Koutarou, is that you?"

"Yes mom! I brought Akaashi here too!!"

They slid off their shoes and walked into the kitchen. Akaashi greeted Bokuto's mother with a warm, but shy smile. He was still holding onto the owl boy's hand. His heart was about to burst.

"Oh, wonderful! Are you boy's hungry? I've made pork cutlet bowls that could fill an entire village."

"No! We're good! We ate after the match, so we're just going to go upstairs!"

"Alright, have fun. Let me know if you need anything." Bokuto's mom said as she hugged him and kissed his forehead.

Bokuto then pulled the pretty setter's hand upstairs and led him to his room. From behind, his mother just smiled and laughed as she finished setting the table.

When they reached his room Bokuto ran over to his bed and belly flopped right onto the covers. This was a routine for Bokuto. It was just a way for him to get out any stress from the outside world. His room was a sanctuary to him. A place for him and people dear to him. People like Akaashi Keji.

Akaashi knew this too, so coming into Bokuto's room always made him happy. Knowing that Bokuto cared and trusted him so much to let him into his room made him happier than anything. It always felt like nothing bad could ever happen to him if he was in there, next to Bokuto.

Akaashi sat on the edge of Bokuto's bed in silent. Bokuto was still faced down on his bed, concentrating on his breathing. After a couple seconds he jumped up almost kicking Akaashi in the face.

"AKAASHI! I ALMOST FORGOT!" Bokuto screamed while holding onto Akaashi's arms and shaking him slightly.

"Bokuto-san please calm down, what is it?"

"You had to tell me something didn't you? A question I think, it was right before my mom called. What was it?"

"Um..." Akaashi said shakily. He started blushing thinking back to what he was going to say. Do you think maybe you love me more than a friend?

Bokuto, wide-eyed starred into Akaashi's eyes. They were searching his entire soul and Akaashi could feel it. Akaashi wanted to back away, but Bokuto was still holding onto his arms. They were inches apart.

"Tell me Keji, what were you going to say?"

"Um, well I was just going to ask... You know how we've sort of been friends for a while..?"

"SOrT oF!?" Bokuto screamed with a huge smile on his face. "We've been best friends for like EVER!"

"Well, yeah, but did you ever think of us to, I don't know, maybe be more then friends..?"

Bokuto's smile dropped and he let go of Akaashi's arms. Akaashi saw this as a rejection and looked away with tears in his eyes.

"Akaashi, do you... do you love-"

Akaashi got up, cutting off Bokuto and started to run towards the door as salty tears fell to the floor. Bokuto quickly grabbed Akaashi's right hand, spun him around and then hugged him tightly.

"Where do you think you're going" Bokuto whispered into the younger boy's ear. "I love you too, I always have."

Akaashi's eyes widened from hearing those beautiful words. They shut seconds after, letting out both tears of joy and sadness. While Akaashi was happy that Bokuto returned his feelings, he was still sad because how long could this relationship last? Bokuto was going to go to college, maybe far out. Who knows where he'd end up.

Bokuto could feel how tense Akaashi was getting by how tightly he was holding onto him. Akaashi has gone through a lot today and all Bokuto wanted to do was make him feel better.

He pushed Akaashi slightly away where there was enough room for only a pencil in between their chests. He rested his forehead on Akaashi's, their noses slightly grazing each other.

"Keji, whatever you're thinking about right now, stop. Just think about you, and me, and right now. Forget the past, the future, just think about now."

Akaashi had never seen Bokuto so calm, so gentle, so reassuring. Seeing him like this was nice. Something he could definitely get use to.

"I'm, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be."


Akaashi reached his hands up into Bokuto's hair, slowly bringing his face closer.


Bokuto closed the gap in between them as he pressed his lips onto the boy in front of him. Akaashi kissed back and then they both parted. Both boys had bright red faces since it was their first kiss. Akaashi stared into the taller boy's eyes as to say again. Bokuto caught on and kissed him again, more passionately this time.

Akaashi could feel his mind go blank. Everything he was thinking about before was now gone. Now all he could think about was how soft and warm Bokuto's lips were. How gentle his touch was on his back. How soft and comforting his hair was as he ran his fingers through it. How much he loved the owl boy.

His ace.

Akaashi broke up this kiss this time and hugged Bokuto. He was so thankful to have him in his life, and Bokuto felt the same.

"How about we go to bed, it's pretty late." Bokuto said as he grabbed one of his shirts for Akaashi to wear. Since he didn't plan on sleeping over he hadn't brought anything to sleep in.

"Alright, I'll go get changed."

When he got back Bokuto was dressed in a random volleyball shirt Akaashi bought him for Christmas last year and his boxers. Akaashi was wearing the shirt that Bokuto gave him and his boxers as well. Since Bokuto was much larger than Akaashi his shirt draped over the scrawny boy like a dress.

Bokuto stared at the small boy in his huge shirt in awe. He wasn't sure if it was because of the events that happened earlier or what, but all he knew was that Akaashi was extremely beautiful standing there, in his room. How did I become this lucky Bokuto thought.

Akaashi was staring at the floor while his hands fidgeted behind his back.

"Bokuto-san, can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

Bokuto just laughed and walked over to him. He kissed his forehead and said of course. He turned off the light and took his hand, leading him to his bed. They both got in and Akaashi slid into his arms, feeling his warm embrace.

Bokuto didn't have the biggest bed, but Akaashi didn't mind. This just meant that they could be closer together, closer than ever before.

As they laid there they both could hear each other's peaceful breaths escape their mouths. Both sharing the same rhythm of in and out.


"What is it?"

Akaashi turned around facing Bokuto. Their eyes were staring intensely into each other.

"Thank you for everything today."

Bokuto smiled and kissed Akaashi softly on his forehead.

"Of course, I love you after all."

Bokuto then kissed him on the lips before turning around to have his back facing Akaashi. Akaashi wrapped his arm around Bokuto, holding him tightly.

"I love you too" he whispered.

Bokuto heard him and grinned slightly. Feeling Akaashi hold him was so calming that he fell asleep. He was completely at peace. And so was Akaashi. The smell of his apple shampoo was hypnotizing like a drug. He fell asleep in no time, holding his beloved friend, teammate, lover.

(A/N tbh I don't like how I developed Akaashi's character in this story, but oh well. Please comment and vote. Part 3 coming #soon)

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