The Truth

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"Bokuto?" Akaashi says confused wondering why there is a very wet boy at his front door. If he was able to walk all the way here in the rain, why couldn't have he answered his phone?

Bokuto looks down at his soggy shoes to avoid eye contact from Akaashi. He knows that Akaashi is probably upset about him ignoring him, but he hadn't said anything. All he did was nod his head, inviting the cold ace into his home. Trying not to get his entire house wet, Bokuto headed straight to the bathroom.

"I'll go get you some clothes to change out of. Get in the shower and warm up."

As Akaashi went to his room to fetch the dry clothes, Bokuto started to undress himself to get in the shower. He turned on the faucet and stepped in. He rinsed of the rain and started to feel warm again. He didn't want to take a long time since he did not come over to use the shower. About 5 minutes later, he was about to turn the shower off and get out when he heard a knock on the door, and the sound of the handle turning.

"Sorry to barge in, but here's your clothes. I'll be waiting in the living room for you, so no rush."

Akaashi left and closed the door behind him. Bokuto heard what the other said, but ignored the last part. He WAS in a rush. So, he turned off the water, dried himself of and got dressed. When he stepped out of the bathroom and into the living room, Akaashi was sitting on the floor reading a book. He looks so peaceful sitting there, Bokuto thought to himself. Akaashi had heard Bokuto quietly step into the room, and looked up to see him staring at him. He stood up so he was face to face with the the tall boy with shiny wet hair standing in front of him.

"Bokuto," Akaashi said in a slight whisper, grabbing his attention "why are you here? And why have you been ignoring me?"

Without saying a word, Bokuto sat on the couch next to Akaashi to better explain himself.

A few seconds passed, which seemed like an hour before Bokuto said anything.

"You see, i didn't know what to say to you. The thing that happened today was weird, and it made me uncomfortable. I didn't know if i'd be able to talk to you without one of us bringing it up. I wanted to tell you about it, but i didn't know how, and we're not dating or anything, not that i don't want to,  so i didn't think i had to, but the truth is, I really like you. I think i love you actually, and what i'm going to tell you might be a little much, or shocking, I don't even know... I just know, that i..."

Bokuto was cut off with the touch of Akaashi's hand on his shoulder.

"Kouro, whatever it is, you can tell me. No matter what. And regardless if we're dating or not, you're still my best friend. If something is bother you, tell me."

Bokuto's eyes were shining with a layer of tears when he nodded his head yes and hugged the gorgeous setter. Backing away, and then motioning for them to both sit down, Bokuto looked up into Akaashi's eyes and said, "Kuroo isn't just a friend"


After a good hour of Bokuto explaining what happened between him and Kuroo, and Akaashi asking questions from time to time, Akaashi stood up and started to pace back and forth, processing all the information he just received. (nice receive)

"So, you're saying that you two use to..."

Bokuto nodded.

"And he still wants to..?"

Bokuto nodded.

"But do you still..?"

"No, of course not! I broke it off a long time ago! I wasn't expecting to see him there! I even deleted his number!"

"So, then i don't see a problem."

Bokuto's eyes widened as he looked up at the black haired boy.

"So, you're saying you don't mind?"

"As long as I know it's done and over with, what's there to worry about?"

With a huge smile on his face, Bokuto jumped up and ran over to hug the other boy. With a huge smile stuck to his face, he picked the boy up and spun him around. After getting so dizzy Bokuto almost fell over with Akaashi still in his hands, he set the boy down and held his hand gently in his own.

"Keji, do you like anyone?" Bokuto questioned without blinking an eye. The mood had entirely changed, but in a very good way. Akaashi blushed a little hearing Bokuto call out his first name. 

"Yeah, i have someone in mind."

"Well," Bokuto said, with no hesitation, looking deep into Akaashi's eyes, "I like you too, and i was wondering if you'd like to go out with me."

Akaashi had his usual smirk plastered on his face, "I never said you were the one i liked."

Bokuto, shouted some weird noise, sounding like a dying owl, throwing his arms in the air, making an 'O' shape with his mouth.

"AKAwsHI! That's so rude, I thought you-"

Akaashi cut him off with a kiss.

Stunned, Bokuto fell to the floor, looking like a red tomato on the floor.

Wow, my boyfriend's an idiot.

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