how do i approach this

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mkay sO
in a previous chapter i talked about my friend (A) changing dramatically after meeting new people.
turns out im not the only one who's noticed bc a friend and i just had a really long convo about it.
i noticed that friend A has been displaying manipulative and nearly psychopathic traits, and it really fucking worries us.
i want to talk to her straight up about whats going on, because i know it isnt good for the rest of us. but the problem is shes also got a form of depression and possibly body dysmorphia, along with bulimia. we dont want to make her feel as bad as shes making us feel.
so how do we initiate the conversation? do we be up front about it or do we up the salt until she brings it up herself?
pls help bc we know that its toxic and we want to discuss it altogether with her.
thank you ❤️

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