Chapter 2: New school

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It's the first day of school today and I'll be going with Lou. I woke up and did my morning routine with so much excitement. I have never went to a public school before and this will be my first and last year. But of cause I will be using my mother's maiden name, Harris.

I pulled out black long sleeve t-shirt and black skinny jeans before deciding to finish it off with my black vans. It's still a bit chilly outside and converse are make your feet boil when its hot and they freeze them when it's cold.

I went downstairs and found my family in there. Why do I always arrive late? I greeted them and gave the ladies their morning kisses before sitting down and helping myself to some breakfast.

"Need some sunglasses to finish off that outfit?" Lou asked sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. Of cause he would make a joke like that.

"Ready for school, son?" Dad asked and I grinned. I am really excited about this if you haven't noticed.

"I was born ready!" I said and the adults laughed.

"Of cause you were. Just make sure you introduce my future son-in-law in two months." My parents have no problem with me being gay, they support me one hundred percent. When I asked if they aren't disappointed that they aren't going to get grandchildren, my father just laughed as if I'm clueless and my mother just replied that there is always adoption. They said blood isn't the only factor that makes you family. Like Liv and Maddie says, 'Sisters by chance, friends by choice.'

"Why are you giving me so long?" I asked offended.

"Honey, have you met yourself? You are the most awkward person ever." Mom replied.

"I am not awkward! You can even ask Lou." I said and Lou nodded.

"Yeah? How about all the girls that you didn't even last an hour with? You could've at least tried to be their friend." Mom raised an eyebrow.

"Mrs P have you met all those girls? I have and even though I am bi, I wouldn't have lasted as long as Liam. Your son is brave to sit through stories about shopping and crushes and all that girly stuff?" Lou literally shivered at that.

"You share you weren't participating in the conversations, Liam?" Jay asked and I glared at her while mom and dad asked. I'm glad to have a friend like Lou, who is always on my sside.

"I may be gay, but I'm not gonna start squealing about those blue heels and how hot Channing Tatum looked in Magic Mike. I am still a man!" I looked at the two blushing ladies who have watched all Magic Mike movies a million times.

"That's right! He talks about how sexy Matthew McConaughey looked in that cowboy hat." Dad commented, making my jaw drop and everyone else to look at him in surprise. "What? Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I can't watch the movie and appreciate art. And that man is pure art." Dad shrugged as if he's talking about the weather. I have never told my father that I fantasised about Matthew in his cowboy hat. Unless...

"I knew it! You are not straight!" I pointed accusingly at my father.

"I'm not gay." Dad pointed his fork at me.

"I never said you were gay, I just said you are not straight. Huh, like father like son." I wiggled my eyebrows and everyone laughed.

"Great! This is exactly what I needed; knowing both my husband and son fantasises about the same guy in the same attire." My mother shivered and dad and I laughed. I love how close we all are. If my parents weren't there for me while I was growing up, I don't think we would be having conversations like this.

"Before this gets anymore awkward, Liam and I are gonna leave. We still have to get his locker number and combination and everything." Lou pulled me out of my chair and dragged me out. Rude! I didn't even get the chance to day goodbye.

"Bye!" I yelled out and got shouts of 'goodbye's while we got our bags from the hallway closet where we put them yesterday. We walked out to my car and started to drive away to school. "So fill me in, who am I supposed to stay away from?" I asked Lou.

"Okay so we have typical high school cliques: the nerds, populars, emos, stoners, and stuff like that. But I won't confuse you yet, I'll tell you at school when I can show you exactly which group I'm talking about." Lou answered and I nodded. Makes sense.

"And you won't forget my name, right? The last thing we need is someone recognising my name." I reminded him.

"Leeroy Harris. Although I really don't know why they didn't just use you middle name because technically, you wouldn't be lying. And what are you going to do when we graduate?" He said.

"When we graduate, my parents will ask the school to change my name back. I really want to experience school just once." I replied and he just hummed.

"Then don't forget your own name, Leeroy." Lou mocked me as he showed me his parking space. "Since you and I will be travelling together, we will use the same parking space. What's mine is yours, brother." Lou said and opened the door. I opened mine and got out.

Lou walked me to the office and we got my stuff before he gave me a quick tour of the school and taking me to my first class, which was register class. The teacher introduced me before telling me to go sit in the back. I sat down and the teacher was about to do name calling when the door opened. I looked up at the door and my breath caught.

I have never seen anything more beautiful. Now I understand what my father meant when he told me about the first time he saw mom. How he didn't care about his status and everything else but making mom his.

He talked to the teacher but I was busy falling in love. He came over and took a seat next to me and I still couldn't look away. He is so beautiful. His creamy skin and bright blue eyes, his hair is perfect. He is perfect.

"It's rude to stare, mate." Oh my his accent. "I'm Niall." He thrust out his hand for a handshake but I just looked at it dumbly.

"Umm." Words don't fail me now.

"Well aren't you just a rude fella? First you stare, now you won't shake my hand." He said in disappointment as he looked at his hand as if something is wrong with it. Oh no!

"Leeroy Harris. This might sound weird but can you give me three months and I promise to tell you why I'm so rude." I thrust my hand out and he took it. "And to make it up to you, how about I take you for lunch today?" And he nodded.

Oh boy, if I didn't believe in love at first sight before, now I do.


I'm gonna tell you the truth, since I have been busy this year wiht it being my last year of high school and stuff, I haven't spent time with my sister and we have been doing that by binge watching horror movies all week... And now I can't sleep. I'll try to update before Sunday.

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