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Dear You,

I think I've gone insane.

All I can think about is you, us. It's driven me to the point of writing to you, even though I know you'll never respond. That's because I know these letters will never get to you, but instead stay under my mattress and tied with twine. It's just a coping method until I get over you, though I honestly don't think I ever will.

But maybe, maybe this is my closure in a way. These letters are my goodbye to you, to us, to what we were and to what we could've been.

Then again, you know how I feel about goodbyes.

Please, don't give up on me, yeah? You'd always tell me not to give up on you, so now it's your turn. You need to be okay, otherwise I'm simply going to fall to pieces.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm wishing on star, blowing on all of the dandelions I can find, and wasting all of my spare change in wishing fountains. I'm clinging on for dear life here, though so are you.

These are my wishes to you.



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