Chapter 5

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Curiosity killed the wolf. Koga wanted to know what was so funny, as just earlier in the week i had been awake long enough to be told that scents the wolf's smell give off the smell of the person's feelings. This was true for all living and dead being that walked the planet.

Meanwhile i was more concerned with how i smelled. Even though the healer did her best. While I was preoccupied the two were having a conversation, only then did I hear hot springs did i cheer up. "She likes the idea" Myrio pointed out.

"What do you say Kagome? Do you want to go?" Kago asked. 'Of Course i wanted to. I love the springs. '

"You need to be careful. She's delicate and not fully healed. You'll have to hold her.......No ideas Koga. " the older wolf scolded. I watched his face closely as the conversation progressed. Kagos face was getting reder and reder as it continued. I had no idea why but Myrio did. "Jezz back off. I know shes not good enough to mate with yet" Kago stated. I blushed scarlet at his words. He noticed, smirking at my face. Picking me up he carried me out of the den. Even though i knew it did no good i hide my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment. "Koga!" At the mention of his name the wolf prince was forced to come to a halt not even have reached the den entrance. From my view, Hirouko had been the caller. For once his partner in crime had not been by his side. "Yea. What is it?"

"Nothing I just wanted to see where you and sister were going." Hirouko said, then gave me a look. "Is she well enough to travel? Why is she hiding?"

"I'm taking Kagome to the hot springs. " my carrier turned and marched away. The water in the falls was freezing. My chattering teeth my testament. How the pack didn't mind it was a mystery. My opinion, they were used to it. Having to go through it everyday. Kago was quiet at first. The silence weird. Increasing by the minute. He was the first to break the bread. "I'm sorry if i creeped you out."

I tried to place what he was talking about, remembering resulting in both of us blushing. Almost as if he didn't notice the result, he continued speaking, "still i won't stop trying to win you." Bluntly he put everything out on the line. Thats all was said the rest of the way.

The hot water was locked away in a secluded area. The spring was feed by a small river that ran down some small mini falls. The hot water called for me to come and jump in. Though I wasnt up for the jumping bit. The circular water boundary was hidden by trees. Seniority was the main feeling given off by the landscape. However our emotions made this difficult. As we produced awakrdness, neither having any idea on how to handle the present situation. I had figured that I would have a solution by the time we had arrived but that had not occurred. Kago set me down by the edge of the water, "I'm gonna go scout. Stay here. Yell if you need anything. " With his orders given, the wolf prince twisted away to do his duty. He didnt stay away long. Returning clearly occupied. In fact to my amusement he fell into the water.

He returned to the surface swearing words I would never think of repeating. I couldnt help but lauph at his antics, accidents or not. I hadn't realized he had gone quite until i stopped laughing.I found his eyes locked on mine. "Your beautiful when your smiling and laughing" Koga told me. Blush rushed to my face, "Kago..." He got out of the water, a wet wolf. Koga wasted no time in comming up next to me and giving me a lip locking kiss. Much to my dismay my eyes closed in enjoyment. He held my head in his tender, non judgemental grip. My inexperience surely gave me away. Koga quickly showed me how he liked me being kissed. I was a quick learner, catching on, my objective giving him pleasure wanting to give as good as I got.


The water was warm. I came to the surface swearing pissed at falling in. The women in front of me clearly thought it was funny, he face lite up with amusement. Even lying on the did not hinder her amusement. I stared at her. This was one of the few moments where she looked happy since being attacked. I was happy I had been able to provide her with this form of emotion. Struggling to control myself as i watched her. No longer could I help my self, tackling her . My lips melted into hers. Her lips were delectable. I could stay locked to her forever never needing to leave to eat or drink,let alone air. She gave herself away, clearly she had never been kissed before or if so she never had been kissed properly before.The latter made me want to punch who else had any chance to lock lips with the women in front of me. It sure as hell better not of been Inutrasha, if so i was going to kill him. But for now, my mind got lost in sensation. I took the time to teach her what would feel good to both of us. She was a quick learner and soon i had her moaning. New opportunities arose.

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