Chapter 12

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My mate and I awoke after a peaceful nights rest. "What do you say to visting your relem today?" I ask as we dress and dispite everything much to my greivence what does she make me do? Turn around do I listen no, but what she doesnt know doesnt hurt. "I've been telling you for how long now that I need to go back?" she remarks.

"How do you wish to go?" I ask as we strood to where the others are already sitting and feeding."Koga no one but me can go through the portal" she answers simply before adding a name I never wanted to here. I snarl when the name passes those sweet, delectable lips. The area goes silent. Cowering clan members can be seen submitting, Kagome the only being not effected. "Ok, jeez fine if it pleases your highness," it seems shes on a roll this morning with the sassyness and although I wont tell her cause it will only anger her but it makes her more desirable if that even possiple, "then I wont say his name."

Eventaully I calm and as a result so do the others. I gather a small group to acompy Kagome and I to the portal. Ginta, Hirouko and the healers will go. So we set off after a good meal thanks to yours truly. The weather slows us down but by noon we reach the well. But not before one instance thanks to the stupid commarades of mine: Ginta and Hirouko. It happended while walking on the way, those two always thinking with there stomachs can be blamed for the whole delay. "Hmm these look good" Ginta mutters as he and Hirkou examine a berry. Its outside is a deep red almost like the color of blood with dark leaves on the bush. "Hurry up you two or well leave you behind" Myrio demands as us four walk by as the two had run before us upon spotting said berries. "Dont touch those!" Kagome runs and slaps there hands. Even goes as far as to push them away. Which gains all of those present attention. "Aww but sister were hungy and they look good" Hirouko whines sitting in the snow, his partner in crime next to him in the same postion. "We would've shared" said partner offers. "You two listen to me and listen good, those berries are not editable."

"But you eat them all the time" Hirouko argues. "No I eat blue berriers and these are not blue berries."

"Well then what are they if we may ask sister?" Ginta smarks. I wack them both upside the head. "Dont back sass."

"Ow Koga that hurt" they whine in unision. "Theses are night killers" Kagome says as if that one sentence explains the whole damn thing. "Whats that?" I ask never having heard of it before. "I thought I told you not to eat things that we don't know is safe" Myrio snaps at the males. "We just wanted to try what she likes" Hirko defends. "These are not blue berries! These will kill you. Lady Kyida informed me a while back that these berries contain small demons and when eaten they invade your system. They feed on your organs at night and by the next day your nothing but skin and bones. So the lesson of the day is don't touch" she concludes with a wag of her finger at them. "I think I lost my appatite" Ginta says."

"When will she be back" Diro asks as we wait around for Kagome to return,clumped together around the fire we had made near the well. "No idea."

"I wish we could pass through, it would be interesting to visit....What did she call it? " he looks at Myrio who offers up, "pharmacy."

"Oh thats right" her mate finishes. "Now that shes away I have a chance to ask" Hirko says looking at his adoptive parents. "What?"

"What are you getting sister for her mating present?" Following a mating ceromony is a feast and gift giving. "Koga I have to ask" Drio converses with me while his mate revels the presents. "Does Kagome really know what is being asked of her as being your mate? And besides is it really fair to call her that when you have to yet properly court her and even mate her?" I growl at his questioning. "Now now dear" Myrio says entering our deciusion. "Although I must admit its partly his flaught" she finished before harping on me more."Oh yeah between her being sick and then him abonding her...He should be lucky she stuck around let alone forgive him. I wouldnt have" the old wolf claimed, folding her hands, stuborn look plastered on her face. "Will you but of out?" I ask getting anoyed with the old hags bickering and harrping. "I dont even know how Kagome puts up with you" she proceds to tell me but I never get a chance to retort, "I honeslty don't know how."

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