Part 7 a new clan? part 3 of 3

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I was much was going on in my mind....a struggle of good or bad....I was thinking about my new clan and if they would accept me and about that name Dapitrie it sounds so familiar...I can't quite put my finger in it but.....I feel like I know that name.... "hey kid don't forget about me!"i heard the Necronomicon yell "shut up necro!" I said under my berth "who are you talking to Katana?" Dapitrie asked me  "no one just my self." I said a little nervous  "hehehe" I heard Dapitrie laphing "why are you so wieard" but then I noticed she whisperer to her self saying "and adorable" i pretended i dint here her and said "I have no  idea why I am so weird." we kept walking to a wall made out of metal with a big door Dapitrie walked up to the door and opened it wand walked back and grabbed my hand and walked me into the walled town. People turned ther heads at me looking at me with fear. I saw kids run up to dapitrie smiling and laphing and hugged her and I knew she smiled back at them but when the kids saw me the run up to me and grabbed onto my legs "ummm...."  I was just accepted by the kids even though I am.....dangers......but I felt like I was excepted. Dapitrie just smiled at me and the kids ran up to her and started hugging her. "every one this is Katana he has joined our clan. He will be staying with me until a house is built." Dapitrie announced to the crowed of people "why would he be staying with you Dapitrie! why won't he stay in the solders quarters?" A man said in the crowed "He is new and...i want him to stay with me for a while. No mire Questions." Dapitrie said almost looking as if she would kill any one who said outer wise. I decided to stay Quiet i didn't want some one to hate me for saying something. Dapitrie grabbed my hand and walked over to a big house and she opened the door and took me inside. "I'm sorry about that Katana. they usually aren't like that. I don't know what got into them." Dapitrie said looking at me and smiled. I faked a smile back at her. "Oh I forgot if you need to move anything from you home or from you other clan?"  "No just what i have in my bag is it..I have nothing else but me and a few books and my weapons." I said looking around. "You can sleep in the guest room and don't freek out if some one else is in ther in the morng i have a maid to clean." Dapitrie said pointing over twords a black door. "Okay then." I walked trowed the door and opened the room ther was a bed with red sheets, it had blue wallpaper and a black wooden dresser. I looked around the room and sighed. Well I guess this is it. "hey I really appreciate you letting me stay here." I said looking out of the room.  but she wasn't ther "hmmm she must have gone to sleep...

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