The hunt : year 5 : age 10

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This story mentions something called a torc atal which is from a book that I was obsessed with at the time of writing the main character is also from the book ( she's called Scathach and fun fact is where I get the scatty part of my username from ) it's an amazing book you're amazing if you've read it ( the alchemist ) this story includes all original spelling mistakes so if you think I'm bad now then your in for a treat. Sorry if you don't understand it ( I feel most sorry for my teachers at the time ) anyway enjoy 😊

I ran lush forist sawrnd me I can hear the distent hawls of the torc atal behind me. My heve steal tode boots clanck and clatter each time they hit the cold mose grawnd of the forist floor. twigs and branches from the never ending trees around me scrach my skin all over my body as my shert was no mach for the tantilisly harsh over grown brablas my short red here flowed me but it was waghed dawn by the ever growing brambls even my trusty black comdat jeans were beeing harshly torn by the brambls. At the corner of my i I see the gasly tori ararl aproch spit bribbled from ther mawth rotting muddy teef came out of its lipless mawf blud seeped from ther cuts but bont even natis. they have cort up with me. one of the weekist started to charge but with my quic reacchen I plunj my srwd deep into its dark eval hart. Only 4 to go but I was shor ther was more lerking deep in the shadows of the forist reddy as back up I took afu steeps back then suddently I was on the age fin air bebef me befor I nue it I was falling ....falling ....falling ....falling ....
So yer that was a thing I hope you enjoyed I remember being so proud of this now i just cringe. I wonder if I will cringe at my current story's in 4 years time. Probably. As always thanks for reading bye 👋🏽

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