Chapter Nine

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Pounding on the bedroom door woke me. Over a month had passed since Allison and I had been dragged back here.
"Tis time to get up ma'am!" A soft voice said.
The door unlocked and creaked open at my command, and sure enough in my door way stood the sweetest little lady.
Goliath, or rather, Elric and I had been in a very heated discussion about Allison and what her duties were. He argued that he had brought her here as my maid, while I demanded she be treated as my equal. The conversation had ended in a very hot, very sexy, make out session that had been interrupted by a warrior coming to give his nightly update. To say it had been awkward was an understatement. Elric had laughed while I stomped off. The next morning, Kelsey, the sweet woman now helping me dress, had shown up in my doorway.
"His Highness requests you be dressed and brought to the throne room. There are warriors coming back today."
I stood in front of the mirror, frowning as my coal pencil expertly applied the makeup at my instruction.
"Coming back? From where?"
"The King sent them on raid a little over a year ago. They went to the neighboring Den a few hundred miles away to gather slaves and supplies." She frowned as she sifted through my linens. Her skin had stayed beautiful over the years, making her seem to be in her early to mid thirties. Her blue eyes shone with a passion I had only seen once before, in Goliath's eyes when he spoke of being King.
"Sit." Kelsey demanded. I sat, bare as a babe, on the stool in front of the woman as she attempted to tame my wild hair.
"His Highness seems to like your hair down and out of your face, no?"
I snorted and rolled my eyes. The coal brush rested in its place, now that its job was done. My lids had been lined with thick dark lines, setting off my eyes and small features. Small. Always too small.
"Oh dear. We're late, he's going to be angry."
She began to dress me in a rush. She had pinned my curls away from my face with gold bobby pins. The rest of the wretched ringlets trailed down to my lower back. As she placed the gold arm cuffs on my arms, I sighed.
I was starting to like being here..


Sorry this is a small update. I have a newborn daughter at home that makes writing slightly difficult, however I promise to update more often. I know I don't have many readers, but I appreciate the ones I have, and any comments, regarding anything would help. Let me know what to fix, what to change. Most importantly, please let me know if it's worth updating!


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