Chapter Thirty-six

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His wings had sprouted from his back within moments of touching me. His tail, wound around my leg in a comforting manner as he soothed me. His touch brought my body to life. His sharp teeth dug into my breast, my neck, my thighs, marking me as his over and over again. As though he wanted to be extra sure the world knew I belonged to him.
With each mark, I felt more and more connected to him, as though our minds melded together. Guilt wracked me. Letting him mark me when I knew my fate would soon be sealed. However, as he sunk to the hilt inside of me, pumping in and out, I felt a strange peace settle over me. And it wasn't until we lay together afterwards, that I noticed a difference. Everything seemed at peace, calm. Elric helped me to the shower and ran a bath before climbing in behind me and rubbing my body from head to toe. He took his time once he got to my stomach, rubbing soothing circles and whispering to his children.
"I love that you're carrying my children, mouse."
He helped me stand to get out of the tub, brushed my hair, and dressed me. He even placed socks on my cold feet.
"Now, I am going to help you to the dining hall. It is my understanding that the kingdom has scarcely seen you since my leaving. Regan has been coming to you with everything, no?"
"Please do not be mad. I have been bed ridden for weeks. Until that point I did my best to be out and about."
"I could never be mad. Your health is most important right now. However, I want to let our people know you're well, and our children are still growing."
Elric supported most of my weight as he led me down the stairs and towards the dining hall. Allison looked shocked as I stepped through the doors, along with most everyone else. Edit sat at her side, an arm around her waist as he watched my movements. Regan came to my other side, offering to help as well but I waved him off. Elric was here now, I needed Elric's touch. He pulled my seat out for me, and piled a plate high with food before making himself one and sitting beside me.
A maid poured a glass of water for me, and a glass of wine for Elric.
"Regan, I want to thank you for all you've done." Elric thanked him and began eating. I followed suit, eating as much as possible before settling back.
The looks I received were odd, most from women.
"My lord, congratulations on your pregnancy." A man said in passing.
Eve glared at him before turning to Regan and saying something. Regan's eyes lit up like a boy about to taste his first sip of ale, and he grabbed her hand to lead her out of the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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