Chapter 2

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Present Day
Olivepaw's POV
It was a sunny day and I was out hunting with Darkpaw. The warm breeze ruffled my fur and I took a breath of fresh air. Darkpaw giggled and nuzzled me, I purred and licked his cheek. I opened my mouth and scented the air, I smelled squirrel. Darkpaw nodded to me and I lowered into a hunters crouch. I stalked quietly through the forest following the scent trail of the squirrel. I leapt onto it and crushed its spine in my jaws. Darkpaw bounded up to me, "Nice catch!!" I purr and bury my catch under the earth. I look up at the oak tree looming over us. This tree looks strangely familiar..I probably just remember it from when it was my first trip out of camp. I shrugged off the feeling and walked to the waterfall with Darkpaw. We called it our secret spot cause it was where we admitted our feelings for each other. I rub against him and purr loudly.
~Timeskip back at camp~
Darkpaw's POV
Olivepaw looked troubled, I wanted to ask what was wrong but I think he might've just wanted to be left alone. Olivepaw walked over to me. "I'm gonna go out on a walk." I nod slowly, "Would you like me to come with you?" He shakes his head and walks out of camp. I sigh and lay down outside the apprentices den in a patch of sunlight.
Olivepaw's POV
I walk out of camp and straight for the giant oak tree. I sit down in front of it.
What happened here? What is it..why do I remember..but nothing else...I sigh and look down at the grass. "Hello son." I heard a voice whisper. My head jolts up and I whip around. "Who's there?!?" I snarl, my claws unleashed." The stranger grins. "Feisty I see." "Show yourself." I growl and a shecat steps from the shadows, she looked oddly familiar, she had a pelt like mine and bright blue eyes. "W-who are you?" I narrow my eyes. She laughs and sits down. "I'm Lily, your real mother." I just stare at her. "If you are, why did you abandon me?" She laughs again and sighs, "Reasons Olive reasons." I grimace at the name. "It's Olivepaw." She's nods with an interested look in her eye. "Part of a clan I see." I ignore her comment and glare at her. "Why are you here?" She smirks and traces her claws through the dirt. "To reclaim you." I jump up and shake my head. "NO! YOU HAD THE CHANCE TO CLAIM ME ONCE BUT YOU DIDN'T! LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!! I ran off tears streaming down my face. "In time little one, in time." She had whispered.

Ooo Cliffhanger dun dun dun
The song above is:
Doubt by 21 Pilots. Great song btw
Hope you enjoy this chapter


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