The Story Begins (page 2)

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It was a cool and temperate morning in Lagos, Nigeria.... Everyone was going on with their daily jobs.. Workers getting up early for work including my dad and mom... While we got up for school. But something was special about today.. I stood effortlessly trying to remember what it was and then it pops into my head.. ALAS!!!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY.. I was also very excited because it marks the day I stepped into the teenagers club and I'll finally be able to boast of my teenage levels. I quickly, in haste, rushed into the bathroom like a gazelle running away from a hungry lion and I had my bathe in somewhat seems to be like a quick body scrub. I quickly rushed back to my room to get dressed for school before going to the living room hoping to get welcomed by a shower of birthday songs. But to my dismay, nobody remembered, not even my own mum. I froze for like a minute before trying to regain myself and face the reality that due to the strenuous activities of the family, nobody remembered my birthday. Looking sad, I quickly reached for my breakfast

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