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Your pov

I looked down at my hands and sighed "I didnt take your son sir. Look my old group di-" "your group?" He pushed carl back and stepped toward me. "You took my son" I stood my ground.

I looked at carl, my face emotionless. "Answer me" the man yelled and grabbed my collar of my shirt. "RICK!" A women with gray shortish hair grabbed his hands. "Id put me down right now" my voice was cold. I didnt even realize I was being rude. Rick put me down and stepped back. "Let me finish" I looked at hom then the rest of his group.

I took a breath and exhaled "I didnt take you son. I didnt hurt your son. I wouldnt hurt your son at all if I wanted to. My old group leader actually took him and tied him To a chair. A chair with duck tape and rope." I looked down and shifted my feet then continued. "I saved your son. I tried to get him back hurt but sadly he got grazed by a bullet luckily and I got this" I lifted my arm "a straight hit, it has a hole on the other end" I look down and put my arm down.

"I saved your son because hes only is 14 or 15. He still has a long while to live and so do we." I looked at rick and smiled "I didnt mean to be rude but I dont like...grown men...touching me" I looked into ricks eyes and smriked "Dad...shes not a bad person. She saved me, you owe her. she left her group and shes great with a knife or a gun.

She can be great for our group. She has had experience with the walkers. She onyl has killed one person because he changed." I smiled at carl and looked ar rick. "If my group comes and tries anything, id bet you they'd want me more than anyone of your men or women." Rick looks away and rubs his bread thinking.

I looked at my combat boots and waited. "What type of gun do you have" I oulled out my pistol "a semi-automatic pistol with..." I take out the round and out drops my bullets "well...5 bullets..." I mumble and blush in embarrassment. I get on my knees and pick up the bullets then hold out both hands.

Rick takes my gun and the bullets. "Ok how about your knife" he flashes a smile and I cant help but smile back I pull out my knife and hand it to him. "Nice knife" he comments and I raise my eyebrow "thanks it was my dads..." he nodded and sighed "fine but later come talk to me." I nod and rick walks off.

I kicked the dirt and look at my wound. I gently pull back the wrap and look at my wound. "Looks pretty bad" I look up to see a girl with blonde hair. A pretty blonde haired girl. "Im beth. I take care of judith sometimes. Its great meeting you..." "y/n" she nods and smiles "my dads hershel. He can take care of your arm come" she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.


I look at the stiching on my arm and sigh "thank you again hershel. I reallt do appreciate it" hershel chuckled "its ok really. When you do need to take a shower agian make sure to stop by and ask how not to get that wet ok?" I nod and hershel sends me off. I walk down aimlessly through the halls. Passing by the people of this group. Some giving me looks and some smiling.

I sigh and go outside. The warm air rushing to mt face. I look around and see rick looking at me. I walk over to him and smile. "You look totally different without the dirt on your face." I chuckle and look at the forest passed the gates. "Well at least I feel clean" he now chuckles and shifts his stance.

"Why did you safe my son" rick asked in a serious/kind voice. "Why is because he looked like he could live. I wasnt gonna just leave him. My old leader, he beat me in front of everyone, thats why I have a busted lip and this black eyes. I wasnt gonna let someone else get that same beating." I look down and smile "I dont have any parents. I lost my dad when I wad 8 and then the outbteak happened and I lost my mom. We got split. I was scared and ran away, for a year I was alone and then I found that group." I looked at rick again.

"Im gonna be stren, stubborn, rude, but if I do just give me a smile and ill be fine." Rick and I chuckled and rick nodded. "I somehow trust you and I just met you. Thank you for taking care of my son. Your cell is right by carls so just find him and go to the left and thatd your cell" rick handed me my gin and knife. I smiled and put them both in their holsters. I walk away and head inside.


I walk up onto carls cell and whistled. Carl looked up from his comic and smiled. "So are you gonna stay?" I nod and step in the door way "im gonna sleep in the cell next to yours. Your dad trusts me I guess already" I lift up my knife and carl chuckles. "You only need to do something big and you should be fine." I giggle and sigh "so what are you reading?" Carl looks at the title "superman?" He says in more of a questionable sense.

I giggle and walk up to him "let me see it" carl hands me the comic and I open it. I giggle and point to a guys face and carl laughs. "He looks like hes about to crap himself" carl said in between laughs and I laughed right along with him.

Its ture one of the guys face is hilarious. I smile and hand carl his comic book back "if you need me, just go to this cell" I pointed to the left and carl nodded. I walked out and walked into my room, I got up onto the bed and laid down.

Looking up at the roof I sighed and let sleep take over. A long day wuthout rest.

1084 words

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