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Your pov

I lift my jacket sleeved up and hershel smiles. "Its healing great y/n" I smile and nod. Hershel checks a fee points on my arm and my brusied eye. He smiles and sighs "just a few more days and that black eye should be gone and those stichs are out" I fist pumped the air and giggled.

Its been at least four days since me and carl got back. I helped around the prison. Mostly with carol and her cooking. I did do watch and I have spent many hours up. Sadly. But if it gets my trust from the others... then I should be fine. Anyways, I get up and pulled my seelves down. I went to walk out but hershel stopped me. "Here" I turned and caught a bottle of pills. "It helps the swelling go down for your eye" I smile and nod "tell glenn thanks." I giggle and nod again. "Ok."

I go to leave yet again and get stopped "take those every morning ok until the swelling goes down." I looked back "ok I will" I start off down to my cell "REMEMBER TWO A DAY!" hershel yelled and I giggled "I WILL!" I yelled back and shook my head.

I walked into my cell and sighed, I let the sheet fall behind me and I put the bottle of pills on the bedside table. I sighed and walked out grabbing my new gun, assault rifle. I love it. I swing it over my shoulder and head outside.


I look through my scope and see only walkers at the fence. I sigh and look at maggie. She smiles and I smile back. "So maggie I heard you and glenn were a thing." I wiggle my eyebrows and we giggle. "We have been for a while now." She blushes lightly and changes her stance. "How about you and carl" I snorted and look down. "I dont think id ever have a chance with a boy like him. Its not anything about him...its me. He's been through so much like his mom. Ive been through a lot a-and I dont wa-ant to be rude to him." I sniffle quietly and look at maggie.

"He's perfect for a boy. Beautiful eyes, freckles, funny, nice, strong. Everything is perfect" I look out into the court yard and see carl walking with judith. I shake my head and smile "youd be perfect for him you know. Your both almost the same. Your a amazing young lady y/n." I smile ar the comment and nod "thanks maggie" I say quietly and blush lightly.


I look at judith and smile. I gently pick her up and look at beth. Beth smiles and giggles. "Shes a amazing baby. She reminds me of lori, shes just beautiful." Judith opens her eyes and lift up her hand. She gently touches my nose and closes her fingers. My heart beats a hunder bests a second by now, my eyes are probably huge. Judith giggles and opens her hand then closes. She repeats this process and I gighle with her and beth. "Excuse me ladies" I look over and see carol "its dinner time" me and beth nod and get up "you can carry her since shes in your arms" I nod and smile down at judith.

Judith smiles...kinda. I giggle and we three walk out. Judith in my arms, beth to my right, carol to my left. I sigh happily and we walk down the stairs. Carl looks up and then looks down blushing a mess. Maggie starts to giggle which causes carl to blush harder. I cock a eyebrow and shot a smrik at Maggie. She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and sit down at a tabel. Beth takes judith and I look at carl. His blue eyes looking at his food, hes thinking. A spoon full of beans was shoved into my mouth and I choked. "dammit...dont...do...that!" I said im between coughs. Everyone laughed. I sighed and heard what daryl mumbled. "Not the only thing you choke on" I blush deeply and look down.

"Aww I made the tough girl blush" I take a deep breath and feel my cheek grow cold. "Yeah sure, go ahead and think that redneck" he chuckled and tossed a piece of bread at me. I tossed it back and giggled. We all started to laugh. It was a great dinner.

I sighed and held judith. Quietly bounching her in my arms. I was on my bed, beth was taking a long shower. Everyone should be asleep. I yawned and judith cooed in her sleep. I smiled and started to rock her back and forth. "Hey" I looked up and saw carl. "Hi carl" he smiled and walked in. He walked up to my side and moved a piece of judiths little hair out of her face. I giggled quietly and carl chuckled. "You really do love her dont you" I look at carl, he does the same and we both smile.

I look into his eyes. Damn! His eyes are amazing! Wait what? me and carl grow closer and closer. Footsteps were heard and we looked at my door. Carl stepped back and beth walked in with a shirt and shorts on. Her wet blonde hair hanging down "you two get some sleep ok" beth takes judith and walks out saying a 'goodnight' on the way out.

I looked over at carl and he looked back at me. My heart speeded back up and my hands became sweaty. Carl smirks and hugs me. I hesitantly decied if I should hug back but in the end im off of the bed and hugging carl full on.

We pull back and carl chuckles nervously "s-sorry I dont know why I hugged you" I smile and kiss carls cheek "everyone needs a hig sometimes." Carl blushes even harder and I get back on my bed "I need some sleep carl, good night" carl nods and bids his goodnight then leaves. I smile and blow out the candle on my night stand. I pull my sheets over my body and lay my head down.

I blush intensely to the thought of me kissing carl. Not on the cheeks but a full out kiss on the lips. I smile and soon relax and fall peacefully asleep.

1071 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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