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For starters, what is friendship? Well according to the dictionary, or Google, friendship is a noun that describe the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. It also describes  a relationship between friends or a state of mutual trust and support between allied nations. So today, that is what we will be presenting about. 

Everyone needs friends, and everyone probably have always had at least one. A friend is defined as a person you know well and regard with affection, trust, and respect. And where do you make friends? The easy answer would be online, as the Internet became more mainstream as time progresses. Despite this, friends can be made almost everywhere, in school, in your work place, even in an elevator if you are social enough. Though how exactly do you make friends? The best way to make new friends is to be involved in activities at school and in the community where there are other people your age. Another way to make friends is to be friendly and helpful to other people. Talk to people, get to know them, and find out if you have anything in common with them.

Forming strong friendships is one of the most important aspects of life, especially as a student. Friends are like the substitute of our family , especially when we are distant to our family. Not only that, there are a lot of reasons why people strive for having many friends. 

Having a good friendship, or having good friends, can influence our health in a variety of ways. Such as dealing with stress with stress being a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Though with friends being the people that we can turn to and count on, we are more likely to overcome stress or at least learn how to cope with it better. 

Good friends also keep you away from doing thing that are unhealthy for you such as smoking, heavy drinking, getting involved in drugs, change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits and so on. Not to mention, many researchers have proven that having friends can help you live a longer, healthier lives as they analysed the factors that are most important in ensuring a long and healthy life (such as diet, exercise, ect) , regular social contact comes up time and time again as one of the most important.

Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Not to mention friends can increase your sense of belonging and purpose, help you boost your happiness, cope with traumatic events that may happen in life.

In many instances, you can learn many new things from your friends. In a spiritual way, your friends can teach you how to forgive and forget, how to move on in life. They'll stop you from dwelling on what already happened and show you how to focus on what's happening. They can teach you that you are never alone, your friend, especially best friend, will be with you when you needed them the most and so on. In a more physical way, your friends can help you improve the skills that you lack, helping you with homework or teach you new things, new words, opening a new world of knowledge for you to explore. 

With people that has few to no friends, it is less likely to get through tough times easily. Without friends, work will be harder to accomplish in a short time along with improving your skills. Despite that, having too many friends aren't really the answer either as it will make it hard to keep up with all of them, making the quality of friendship lessen through time. 

But not all friendships are good friendship. A lot of people were often used by their 'friends' or having friends that aren't supportive in something the other wanted to do. Sometimes friends can get overprotective, stopping the other friend from doing what normal people usually do. There are also friends who only cares about themselves, mostly ask the other friend to do things for them and never return anything or care about how the other friend think or feel; not to mention friends that act like your parents. There is also a friendship built out of lies, it is quite self-explanatory but in any case, all of these friendships aren't good, friendship are built from trust and equality not lies, manipulation or selfishness.

Whether you have one friend or millions of friends, no one can deny how powerful friendship can be. Even everyone right here, at one point, needed a help from a friend as they are the one who will mostly likely be able to relate with you more. In a way, friendship can be more powerful than love as  you can live your whole life without love but can't you live your whole life without friendship.


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