The Next Morning

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It was a normal Monday morning in the kaynne household at least that's what it was like before they woke up liv. Liv woke up in a panic almost as if she was scared of something. But what you say, for it could be the fact that the Oder did not like its hosts body or that the host was not physically active. Whatever it was it went away.
"Liv are you okay" asked Mrs.Kaynne
"I'm fine mother" replied liv
Now right away her mother knew that something was wrong for mother was outside the comfort zone of liv's vocabulary. Her mother ignored that fact and sent her to school anyways. Liv had waited for the bus and got on. Liv may have made a mistake by sitting by the vent because they could smell the Oder from within.
At the school the Oder inside of liv did not know what to do for it was scared. It was scared yet delighted to know the fact that the school could be the perfect place to start her invasion.

The Oder From WithinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora