Chapter 32

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   (Officer Riggs' POV)

   That poor girl. She looked so scared and what was she doing walking down the road with no shoes on, her arms and hands covered in blood. She looked traumatized.

   What had she gone through?

   She was only about seventeen years old. Who did this to her?

   I was crazy confused and worried, constantly checking into my rearview mirror on her. She was snuggled in the fleece blanket and her face crunched up, adorably.

   Then suddenly she began kicking and swinging her arms around. I quickly pulled over and parked as she began screaming and thrashing her head back and forth.

   I ran to her door and opened it, pulling her in my lap.

   I gently shook her awake and her frantic eyes took in everything around her.

   "It's over, now. Nobody is hurting you. You're safe with me," I told her as she snuggled into me. She was sweaty. Her breathing struggling.

   I continued saying comforting words to her and she eventually calmed down. She had her arms around my neck and her face pressed into my neck. I could feel her tears against my skin as she took shaky and uneven breaths.

   "Do you wanna tell me what happened, sweetheart," I asked quietly.

   I felt her shake her head against me.

   "Okay, but we are almost in town. I'm taking you to the hospital and then the police station. Do you wanna ride upfront with me or lay back down,"

   "With you," she said quietly and sniffled.

   I picked her up and set her in the passenger seat, quickly walking to my side and getting in.

She scooted over so she was closer to me as she leaned her head against the seat and took in a deep breath before letting it out.

"I killed him," she whispered and I wasn't sure if I heard her right. She looked down at the dried blood on her arms and hands.

"Who," I asked as I looked at her.

"My kidnapper,"

She was kidnapped. That explained a lot. What sick bastard could do this to her?

   "It'll be alright, Sweetheart," I muttered.

   "Were here," I mentioned after a few minutes of silence.

   I parked by the door and shut my patrol car off.

   "Can you walk?" I asked. She nodded and I gently took her hand and lead her into the hospital entrance.

"Giver her a check up and a shower," I demanded the nurse and she quickly took the girl by her arm and gently lead her to a room.

I waited patiently outside the room, pacing. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I just wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to her again. She's been through too much already.

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