854 53 72

Stella Olivia Russo

Laid beside Frankie in bed, I listened to him silently sleeping, tears sliding slowly down my cheeks as I squeezed my legs together, waiting patiently for him to start snoring, knowing that would be my cue to be able to leave quickly without him waking up and stopping me. I begged him not too do it, that I wasn't feeling up for it and how could I be so stupid as to think he would leave me be, just that once. No, he forced me into doing the one thing he promised we would never have to do, and he wouldn't stop until I told him I liked it, that I loved him and understood that it's part of being in a relationship – that we have to experiment to keep spicing up our love life. I don't understand how forcing somebody into anal could be classed as spicing a love life, it was an excruciating pain, I felt as though I was being torn apart and yet, he wouldn't stop, until he was satisfied.

"You sleeping yet baby?" Frankie mumbled, rolling over in his bed, oblivious to the tears I was silently crying, and the hurt and pain I was feeling.

I held my breath, pretending that I was sleeping, hoping..praying he wouldn't notice how I was pretty much fully clothed and ready to run for the front door the second a heavy snore echoed around the room. I didn't care that I would have to face him in school tomorrow, because if I have it my way, I won't be going to school, I'll force myself to throw up if I have too. Anything, if it means I don't have to be in his presence for a while.

Even after everything I have been through with him – the hurt, the constant pain and destruction of my confidence, my dignity, I can't bring myself to leave him.

"Frankie?" I whispered, breaking the silence around me as I stared up at the ceiling in darkness, rubbing my eyes until they would feel as though they are red raw; "Are you awake?" I added, not wanting to awake him, but wanting to know he was sleeping.

After all, it was 4.15am, he usually falls asleep straight after sex, if you can call it sex that is.

Gulping, I slipped myself out of the bed, trying not to breath too loudly or heavily as I rummaged around for my over night bag and shoes.

I tip toed over to the door, opening it slowly, my bag firmly under my arm and my shoes in my hand, my entire body numb yet shaking with fear at the thought of being caught trying to leave without him knowing. I didn't even know how I was going to get home, he lives on the other side of the park, and cutting through it so late at night doesn't strike me as a safe option. I guess I could call Stefan, and hope he is awake and willing to pick me up, but I know he would want to know why I don't want to stay with Frankie over night, and why I am leaving so early in the morning. How could I ever tell my brother it's because my boyfriend terrifies me?

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" I almost jumped as I got half way down the stairs, turning to see Frankie stood at the top of them, glaring down at me.

I froze on the spot, feeling my entire body shut down; "Um." I gulped down a non existent lump in the center my throat; "I have to go home, my brother called saying my parents are worried." I lied.

"You know I hate it when you lie to me, Stella." he hissed, slowly walking down the stairs towards me; "And, you know I can tell when you're lying." he rolled his eyes, grabbing me by the arm.

"Well, you're misreading things because I'm not lying." I tried to step backwards, but his grip on my arm was too tight for me; "And, I have called for a taxi so I seriously need to go." I turned back to face the door.

"You can tell me the truth, and I'll decided whether or not you're going home," he lowered his face, yanking my arm to try and get me up the stairs.

XO - I love you like Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora