Chapter Fifteen

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I was woken up by the cold breeze that was let in from my open window. I glanced around the room and saw that I was in my room, I shot out of bed and looked out the window. How did I get back home, I still remember last night and I was still at the party.

I looked down at myself and saw that I was dressed in my own pajamas, I sighed out loud and walked out my room marching downstairs. I saw Tony playing video games with Alex, why so early? but I glanced at the clock and saw that it was noon. Shit, I walked in the kitchen and interrupted my mom who was laughing and having tea with a guy.

"Uhm good morning."I say while walking up next to my mom.

"Good morning sweetie, this is my friend Jake."She was smiling so big, I haven't seen my mom smile like this in ages.

"Hello, I'm Apollonia."I gladly shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you Apollonia, your mother always talks about you and Tony."He smiles.

"That's good to hear."I smile.

"Well do you need anything honey?"My mom asks grabbing a glass of Orange juice for me, my favorite, my mom knows me to well in the morning.

"Who dropped me off last night, I was gonna stay at the frat house."I whisper to my mom.

"Oh well Harry dropped you off, you were asleep in his arms when he brought you back."She smiles again looking back at Jake.

"Did he say why he brought me back?"

"Well he said you wanted to come back home."

I nod taking a big gulp of my juice, he lied and brought me back home after what happened last night. I still couldn't process what he told me but I need to ask him questions, I remember fainting in front of him when he told me I was his cure and silenced his demons. That scared me shit less because that's what he told Victoria, his long dead fiance. I couldn't believe he proposed to a girl he truly loved, He actually loved someone but she ran away.

It's really not Victoria's fault, she didn't want to take something that was his mother's. I wouldn't take it either, but then images of her being cut up by Harry's own hands scared me, he touched me with those hands he hugs me with those hands. I dropped my glass of juice on the floor snapping out of it, I gasped and muttered under my breathe. My mom looked at me while Jake looked worried.

"Shit, I'm so clumsy."I laugh picking up the glass pieces, my mom walked over to me handing me a towel.

"You okay, you dozed off and clink you dropped your glass from your hands Apollonia."She sounded worried.

"No, no I'm fine I had lot going through my mind."I shake her off.

"Here never pick up glass with your bare hands."Jake came next to me and picked up the rest of the pieces with a napkin.

"I'm such a clumsy person, thank you Jake."I smiled at him.

I winced as the glass stabbed my hands, why the hell am I carrying glass. I dropped them on the floor making my mother sigh.

"Your hands are bleeding."Jake pointed out as I looked down at my hands covered in blood, my hands were dripping blood as if I soaked them in a pot of blood.

"Shit."I muttered.

"Apollonia go clean yourself up, what's gotten into you, don't just stand there sweetie."

My mother pulled my shoulder guiding me to the bathroom then leaving back to the kitchen to help Jake finish cleaning up my mess.

What has gotten into me. I can't think straight and I'm so clumsy. I stared at my reflection in the cabinet mirror and totally forgot about my hands, my face looks so pale and there's bags under my eye's. Do I really look like this? I snap out of my thoughts again and looked down at my hands, Harry's hands filled with blood, dripping with guilt. I screamed, then Tony and Alex rushed into the bathroom with a shocked Jane standing behind them.

Where did all these people come from.

"Apollonia?"I fell on my knees and sobbed into my bleeding hands, Tony looked scared along with Alex as Jane pushed through them and kneeled down beside me.

My mom and Jake then appeared next to Alex and Tony, my mother and Jake both looked worried. Jane motioned them to give me some time as the four walked away.

"Apollonia what happened why are your hands bleeding? Soon as I step in your house I hear you scream and find you with bleeding hands?"She rubbed my back.

"You don't understand Jane."

"Of course I do Apollonia, I saw Harry carry you in his arms last night." She said.

I looked at her and nodded.

"He said you fainted in front of him after he told you about Victoria, he said you panicked and fainted later on."

"You know about Victoria?"I ask.

"Yeah, I quite knew Harry longer than you because of Liam."She smiled at Liam's name.

"Why were you guy's always hiding her name away from me then?"

"Because it's Harry's job to tell you about his past."She stood up and picked me up by my arms.

She turned on the sink and let warm water run, she grabbed a cloth and poured rubbing alcohol on it. I closed my eye's as she ran my hands under the hot water, when she took them out she put the cloth over my cuts making me wince and cry more than I was. Shit that really burned like a son of a gun. She chuckled and took off the cloth, it still stings.

"The college called everyone saying school's cancelled because of a sewage and electricity problem."

"That's great, I need some time to think."I said patting my hands dry.

"I can't believe you fainted in front of Harry."She smiles.

We walk out the bathroom and back into the kitchen where my mom and Jake were now preparing lunch.

"Are you okay now, you scared me."My mom asked giving me a light hug.

"I'm fine mom, my mind is just so out of it."

I grabbed a few snacks from the cabinets while Jane got some fruits and drinks to bring up to my room. I excused Jane and I as we went upstairs. Alex and Tony were still playing video games and eating chips.

Typical boys.

When we got in my room I locked the door behind me, like Harry does. Chills ran down my spine at his name, he's rubbed on me a lot. I set down the snacks on my bed as Jane plopped herself on it, following me along.

"I kissed Zayn didn't I?"I ask out of no where, memories of last night taking place in my head.

"Ugh, well, uhm, Yeah you kinda did."Jane scratched her head and coughed.

"I remember Harry pushing him way then grabbing me and went to his room."

"What did you guy's do in his room?"

"We argued for a minute, but then he-"I stopped as I felt tears sting my eye's.

I can't talk about this, last night was just too much for me.

"What did he do, if he hurt you I will go to the frat house and chop his fucking head off myself."Jane snapped.

"He's at the frat house?"I ask, I need to see him.

"Oh ugh, shit. I wasn't suppose to say anything."

"What do you mean? He told you not to say where he's at?"

"He said he doesn't want you to see him anymore, he said he knows he lost you."

"He didn't lose me, he needs to know Jane come on let's go."I pulled her off my bed as she ran downstairs after me.

I practically ran out the house and started running to the frat house. I've done this before. Jane was yelling my name telling me to stop or slow down but I didn't. He needs to know he hasn't lost me, and he never will, because I'm hopelessly in love with a psycho man.

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