Chapter 25

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Song dedicated to this chapter: Ocean Wide by The Afters




I stared at the evil man who had killed my sister, father of Gemma, Harry and Trevor. Tony was standing beside me holding my hand tightly, I didn't know what to do or say, but my blood was boiling.

"Your Apollonia am I right? because you just said goodbye to my son there"He points at the road.

"How did you find me? or should I say Harry?"

He chuckled and pushed back his curls that needed a hair cut.

"I got people Apollonia, you should watch who you become friends with especially Ricky"He says walking closer.

I grip Tony.

"Who's Ricky?"

"Oh that's right you don't know his first name...should I prefer to him as Professor Hickman for you and Harry?, My son is in jail because of you and I'm here to get my revenge, to kill you just like how I sliced precious innocent Heather"He laughs.

Tony looks at me as tears run down his eye's, Tony knew we had an older sister but never met her because my mom was pregnant with him at the time.

"Why? what did we do to make you kill us? what do we owe you? we don't even know you Desmond. People only know you as a Psycho"I snap.

Desmond gives me a look.

"Why don't you ask your used to be father, he knows exactly what he owes me."The mention of my father twists my stomach.

"He's No father"I spoke.

I felt Tony shake and tremble with fear, but a car quickly pulls up on the side walk. By the time I look back to where Desmond was standing he's no longer there. That mother of ducks.

Out of the car comes out Liam and the rest of the boys with Trevor and Gemma.

"Where's Harry and Zayn?"Liam asks right away.

"In jail"I mumble.

"We need to go bail them NOW"Gemma grabs my hand but I stop.

"Come on Apollonia this is my brother, if they get the whole city to agree on doing something to Harry I know it's death"Gemma looks deep in my eye's.

I look at Tony as he encourages me to go along.

"I'll tell mom you left with friends"He says.

"Alright, I love you Tony"I hug him, I never had said I love you to my own brother.

"Love You too Apollonia, be safe"He runs back into the house.

I nod at the group as we squeeze in the car, I'm sitting on Niall's lap. He rubs my back giving me an okay look that everything is going to be alright. I nod and manage a smile.

"Did he hurt him?"Gemma asks looking at me through the rear mirror.

"Apparently yes"

"He's so stupid, he knows what gonna happen now. They told him too but he doesn't listen!"Gemma yells taken us all back.

The car falls silent.

"What's gonna happen?"I ask.

Everyone looks at me like I killed someone.

"They'll keep him there for a couple years and send him to a mental institution for the rest of his life...or"Louis says.

"Or what?"

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