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"SHIELD has fallen, and now it is time for Captain America to finally come to an end," Pierce said, finishing his debriefing on what he needed James to do. Kill Steve. That was the mission. Koa nodded, grabbing her helmet from the table and turning to leave. She waited for Pierce to stand, allowing him to head out first.

"Hail Hydra," he whispered before leaving her alone in the room. Koa stared at the door and shoved her dark curls into the helmet that always felt a size too small as it squeezed against her head.

She laughed softly and nervously as she thought about the many ways this mission could end. "Yeah, hail Hydra."


They walked in silence, guns in hands, faces covered in black. The Winter Soldier's hair was tousled by the wind and Koa couldn't see the look in his eyes, staying a few steps behind him. They were sent alone this time, no extra troops. This would've been the perfect time to get James away from Hydra, but his mind was too freshly wiped. He wouldn't listen.

This had been the first time she was nervous about a mission since her first one four years back. Would James really kill Steve? Would he actually do it? Steve won't fight him now that he knows the Winter Soldier is his childhood best friend he thought was dead all this time. Koa was sure Steve would try to use clues that may trigger old memories. He'd do anything to get his pal Bucky back.

"Stay down here while I handle things. I can tell you're too precious to Hydra to get hurt."

Koa's head snapped in the direction of the Winter Soldier, one who normally didn't speak to her during missions, even before the latest wipe. She couldn't help but smile, even if it wasn't a direct compliment. It was something. "You think I'm too precious to Hydra? Without you I'm nothing to them."

He didn't respond, but Koa didn't mind. One line was more than she normally got when on missions. She wondered if it was because they were alone. No one else to listen in on a conversation. No one to keep them one hundred percent in line.

"The man you're supposed to kill wouldn't hurt me," Koa said softly, raising her gun as they slowly turned the corner, ready to attack anyone sneaking around. "He knows me."

The Winter Soldier stopped, turning his head to glance back at Koa. "Just because someone knows you doesn't mean they won't hurt you."

"You're right," Koa replied, motioning him to keep walking. "But I'm still coming with you. It's my mission, just like yours is to kill Captain America. Soldiers have to follow orders."

"Fine. But it's not my fault if you get hurt. I'm not here to protect you."

They continued in silence again and Koa watched as the ground opened up, revealing the helicarriers that Hydra had hijacked from SHIELD.

"They'll be here soon," Koa announced, nodding in the direction of the helicarriers making their way into the air. "We need to get onto one of those."

The Winter Soldier nodded and ran for the ground that had opened up, Koa following close behind, keeping her eyes peeled for any signs of Steve, hoping that this mission won't end badly. They leaped from the solid ground to the base of the helicarrier closest to them, Koa somersaulting and crashing into one of the walls, grunting as she got back to her feet. She turned to see the Winter Soldier land on both feet, not losing his balance as they ascended into the air.

"It seems I'm a little rusty," Koa joked, but the Winter Soldier ignored her banter and walked up the ramp to the central control system, looking around. Gun shots were sounded and Koa whipped her head in the direction of the noise, the Winter Soldier already heading toward the action. She followed, trying not to lose her balance again she they headed for the edge, looking down at the ground. She spotted Steve and another man she recognized from their encounter on the bridge. He must've been someone new that the Avengers whipped up while she was gone.

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