Bad breakup

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Edds view

I hurry up and shower and get dressed so I can meet ed and eddy in our old spot.

"I knew you would come. I knew you couldnt resist the dark side. " Eddy says dramaticaly while I crawl behind the dumpster to lead me to the secret place me and my old buddies created.

"Eddy, I told you 20 minutes ago I'll meet you here." I tell him with an eye roll.

"Whatever, just listen. So you know how Mr.Canavan only hates two things in life"

"Well yes. I am one of them. Or of them? I guess."

"Yes, and the other thing is his classroom disorganized." He says as if he is the only one who knew.

"So ..what do you have in mind?"

"Were gonna trash, and that big brain of yours is gonna think of something even better to top it off." He says with a evil little giggle.

Then it hit me

"Oh yes. Yes it will " I say with and evil smirk.

Man, it's good to be back

Kevin's pov

I walk into school and as usual to look for him. For some reason, I can't go one day without seeing his face. I know, I have it bad.

I look at his locker across the hall and wait for him to come. But, for some reason, he doesn't show.

This kid never gets sick or missed school. Maybe he came earlly.

I grab my books and try to hustle to Mr.Canavan's class before I'm late AGAIN. But when I get there, everybody's surrounding his room. I look to see what going oh. I try to get in but the nerds are to stuck together. One even gave me a dirty look.

Maybe a fight? I gotta see this. Only if these nerds would get out of my way. Hmmm.

I look over and the linebacker and left tackle for the team look to be doing the same as I.

They see me looking at them and I give them the 'let's do it' face.

They get behind me and then I yell


They all look at me and then at the guys behind me. Then they all get real quite.

"If you don't wanna get the living shit beat out of you then I would suggest you get out of my way!" I say with my smirk

They all immediately move and clear a path as we walk through.

We get in there and all We see is Mr.Canavan crying and the principal and VP talking with the janitor.

The place was covered from the ceiling to the floor in rainbows and gay pride symbols and flags. And all his books and his organized files where I'm different places and scatterd everywhere.

Wow. This has to be the edds. But I thought edd didn't prank anymore. I definitely don't think we or rest could think of this.

All of the sudden we are all shoed out and told that his class is canceld for the day.



I walk into lunch and if course all everybody's talking about is the prank on Mr.Canavan earlier.

I get to my table and try to tune out everybody's anoying thought I'm who did it.

Obviously it was the edds. Come on, we're not supposed to be this stupid.

I search for him and then I find him st his same spot. But, instead of his usual happy self, he looked angry and somewhat sad. I see his lips move but I really couldn't tell.

Then I see Bobby jump up and yell


Everybody looks at them and there table.

Did I just hear what I think I heard?

Edds pov

I walk into lunch and all I hear is people talking about my prank. I smile and take my place by bobby. He looks at my very serious and angrily.

"Did you do that prank with those idiots?" He asked me.

"Yeah. It's pretty funny" I say as he cuts me off.

"No, it's not. I told you I hate those stupid pranks. If you wanna disobey me than we can just break up." He says, thinkin I was gonna give in to him.

"Maybe I do wanna break up." I almost whisper.

He looks at me and jumps up and yells


"Bobby, you're being loud shh. Come on and we'll talk alone." I say, trying to calm the situation down.


You know what. This is the last time I do this. I'm done. I'm standing up for myslef.

"FINE. You wanna yell ,then let's yell. I DON'T FUCKING LOVE YOU ANYMORE." I scream at him while a take my hat off and throw it at the trash. He looks at me surprised and so does the others around.

I brush my hand through my long, black hair. (No scar. It healed. Just a head.) It feels nice.

"I'm gonna change. You aren't letting me. This is over, Bobby. I'm sorry." I say as I pick up my tray and drop the whole thing in the trash. Ed and Eddy get up following him and laughing.

This feels great.

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