First 'Date'?

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Who doesn't want to look at Logan Lerman? Now Logan as EDD! Even better...

Edd's POV:
What the hell, Edd! You can't call someone that cute 'friend'! What if he likes you! And you're gonna ruin it by making him think you friend zoned him?! I mean, did you see the disappointment on his face! He thinks we're cute!! Omg omg omg. Calm yourself Edd. You don't know anything. He could hate you still and plan to set you up. But those eyes. And his face... ugh!

"WAY TO GO BRO! YOU DITCHED THE OLD MAN! UP TOP!" Eddy yelled really loudly which pulled me from my Kevin trance. Even his name sounds good. I laughed and highfived my long lost friend. I'm glad to have these idiots back.

"Yay! Now we're friends again right!" Ed said.

"Of course." I told him with a little guilt in my voice. I feel horrible for how I've treated them since Bobby. I'm gonna make it up to them.

"Guys" I stop them from walking further "I promise that from here on out, I won't change myself for another guy and I won't stop being friends with you. I'm sorry."

"Finally you said it! Now let's get to class. You guys are staying with me tonight so we can plan the next prank!" Eddy yells.

Uh shit. What about Kevin. I really want to see him.

"I have to tutor someone tonight, but I'll be there after." I say, hoping they wouldn't be mad.

"Ok nerd. Tutor your other nerd and get your ass to my house ASAP!" Eddy says while laughing. I'm glad to have my friends back.


After I got home I headed to my basement to work out. Ed and Eddy are gonna need more muscle to pull off our new pranks. Bigger and better they said. And I have been working out for a while so hopefully I'll be some use besides just the brains. I must have lost track of time because the doorbell rang and I looked at the clock.


"I'll be right there!" I yelled.

I ran up the stairs and opened the door. There stood the cutest ginger I've ever seen. Why am I seeing him this way now? I mean, he's always been cute but, he's... sexy. I just can't help but stare into his green eyes. His hair is perfect and his hat. He's wearing his leather jacket and some fitted jeans. I stare at him As his eyes darken with... lust?

Kevin's POV:

After school, I headed to football practice with a huge smile on my face. I get to go in a date with the man I've been dreaming of! Well, it's not really a date, more of a friend tutoring another friend, but I'll take it!

"What's got you so happy?" Nat says while he slaps the back of my head.

"Nothing. Shut up. Let's go." I said as I hit his chest and started drills.


After football practice, I hopped on my motorcycle and got home as fast as I could. I needed a shower, bad. I picked out an outfit that would hopefully make Edd vision go blurry.

When I got to his house, I made sure my hair was done perfect and my hat looked straight. I knocked in his door and heard no response. Did he forget?

"I'll be right there!" I heard an angelic voice yell. I heard him run up the stairs then the door flew open.

Oh. My. God.

There stood my Edd. He was wearing nothing but shorts and some nike air max's. He has a freaking six pack. I mean, mines better and way more defined. His only looked like he just got it. But damn it's so sexy. His body is glistening from being drenched in sweat. His shirt black that has a little length on the top was wet. I instantly felt turned on. My eyes filled with lust and so did his? We were both just standing there. Staring.

"Hello, Kevin." He says. I love it when he says my name.

"H-hi Edd."

"Umm. Please come in."


"In sorry. I was working out and I lost track of time and I just-"

"Calm down, double D. It's fine. You go shower and I'll wait in your living room."

After about 10 minutes he came into his bathroom with a towel around his waist. God he's so hot. He grabbed some cloths and went into his closet to change. He cane out and sat next to me. We studied for about 20 minutes.

"Ugh I'm done! To much information for one day!" I say while falling back on my back.

"Kev, you learn more at school than with me!" He says.

"I don't pay attention though" as I sit back up.

"You need to."

"Are you gonna make me?" I say with a smirk. But am surprised when I'm met with another smirk. Then, Edd tackles me and pins me down.

"Oh you're gonna regret that!" I say. He's strong but not strong enough. I push him over and pin him down. I lock his arms in place. "HA"

I look down and his eyes lock with mine. We sit like this for what seems like forever. Then... I lean down and kiss his lips. Then my heart starts to beat erratically when...

He starts kissing me back.

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