life isn't a sitcom

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"The real world doesn't have a laugh track." -Avi, Nothing but the Truth


MARCH 27, 2024

     jack had been holed up in his room for three consecutive days, only emerging when he was absolutely famished. the fact that he had a separate bathroom, unlike the other horsemen in the apartment, made it so that he spent twenty-three hours (and 47 minutes, danny had calculated it) of the day in his cold prison of white walls. indeed so, jack felt as if he was in a literal prison, trapped by his own guilt and depression. his walls were built up high, and nothing was knocking them down.

     on the other side of his wall, sat danny, who'd hesitantly knock on jack's door daily to check if he would show any type of response to him, even if it was a simple "go away." but, alas, jack didn't reveal any hints as to why he had locked himself away to wither in his emotions. it was almost seen as unfair to daniel, who had stayed up for hours thinking about the glance of jack's face when he had sulked out of his room for breakfast. his face was zombie-like; sunken in cheeks, pale skin, and a faint glisten of tears that were smudged across his dark-circles. 

    but still, one day after the next, the boy whose last name represented his usual upbeat and "wild" persona wouldn't give danny a sliver of what was actually going on. jack wanted to keep it to himself, and only to himself. 


APRIL 2, 2024

     however, his plans to conceal his true colors were fallible, and eventually failed to succeed. 

   it was the day that danny had decided he had finally had enough, and picked the lock on jack's door until it unhinged with an eerie screeching noise. jack curled up tighter in his sheets, but to no avail did this work, as daniel suddenly enveloped him in his warmth by wrapping his arms around the broken boy. a hushed sob rang through the quiet room, only to be followed by more cries of despair. 

     soon, the room was once again noiseless, with only the sound of small snores interrupting  the solitude of silence.  a sudden wave of relief washed over daniel, and came crashing down with a large splash. the moment was truly a rare one; the stillness of the air brought a specific tranquillity to the minuscule amount of time it lasted for.


MARCH 27, 2014

     smoke billowed across the sky, cloaking the air in a swirling darkness. screams pierced the already chaotic mess of sirens and crackling fire. 

"c'mon jack! we have to get out or else we'll die!"

"b-but, mama's still in there!"

"let's go! the firemen will save her!"

but they didn't. 


hi! so i hoped you enjoyed that tiny a.u. blurb i wrote :) it wasn't much but i hope it was satisfactory. as always, thanks so much for reading! should i do a christmas special?

ok bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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