Manners Fell! (Chapter 1)

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Comment on the words I make a mistake on plz -3- OKI LETS GET STARTED!
Fells P.O.V.
Today was gonna be just like any other day for me, Papy beginning my day yelling at me and punishing me for the littlest things and sitting at my post for 4 hours straight until my 1 hour break.

I looked at the grey ceiling of my room that had a cobweb in one or two corners and sighed in laziness, not wanting to get up and go out of my room. I closed my eyes day dreaming and slowly started to doze off into sleep again, until I was interrupted by Papy pounding on my door almost loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

I groaned in annoyance and draged myself out of bed. I shuffled my feet over to my drawer and grabbed my black shorts that have a gold/yellow strip down each sides and a pair of red socks and slides on the socks and shorts. I began to walk towards my door and picked up my black fluffy jacket on the way to the door and put it on. I opened the door and walk down the stairs seeing Papy standing by the front door tapping a foot on the ground impatiently.

Papy turned around facing the door and opened it walking out at a fast pace.

I rolled my eyes and growl at him and I close the door behind me looking at the snow. Ugh.. I don't feel like walking to my station... I thought to my self. I looked ahead a Papy, who was already a far ways ahead of him.

I teleport to him and manages to keep up with him. "Boss I'm just gonna teleport to my station. Seeya."
Before I could give Papy a chance to talk I teleported quickly to my station and looks around. I reseted all of my traps with my magic and sat back in my hotdog stand on a stool. I began to feel more tired and I put my head down onto the surface of the hotdog stand and fall asleep.
Blues P.O.V.
I was washing the dishes after making breakfast tacos for Honey and I turn around to grab the plates off the table and sees some type of black figure.
"What the-"
And before I could even finish what I was going to say I was hit in the head and knocked out by the black mysterious figure. Everything went black.

~~Le Time Skip (/0w0)/~~

I begin to gain back the power to wake up and I look around my surroundings seeing trees and snow all around me and I was looking up at the sky.
"W-where am I.... Is this my AU?.."
I said to myself as I sat up rubbing my skull.

I rub the side of it and a sharp wave of pain goes through my head and I hiss in pain as I quickly remove my hand from that part of my skull. I murmur to myself in pain as I began to stand up and get a better look at my surroundings.

From what I could see, it was very Similar to my AU but I could feel the negativity in the air. I suppose this is underfell?... I thought to myself as I began to walk through the forest towards the town he supposed was also there. I stop in my tracks to see another me but a more... How do I say this?... Edgy..

I smile in glee and skip over to the stand, tapping on his shoulder tilting my head. "Um... Excuse me... Uh... Me?.. Could you help me figure out where I'm going?.." I jumped I little as the other me jumped and looked up with one of his eyes glowing.

" What the fuck do you want asshole! Can't you see that I'm taking a nap?!"
I frown a little but I quickly spread it to a smile.

"I was wondering if you can help me find Snowden? I'm lost..."
I look over at the other me and he has a face of annoyance. I began to think it was a bad idea walking up to him.

"Are you a dumb ass or something!? It's literally not even 2 miles!"
The other sans growls in annoyance.

"There's no need to be so rude about it, Red!" I say as I puff my cheeks out pouting crossing my arms. I look at his face and it turns a bit red for a second then disappears.

"Ugh do you even live in this AU anyways??"

I shake my head in sadness and  looks at him with a miserable look. Fell then growls.

"Ugh... I'll let you stay at my house until you aren't so weak.."
He says while he began to heal me in any places where I looked weak. I smile at his actions. At first I thought he didn't even have a heart.. Now he helping me through this place...

"What are you staring at, you ass.
I snap back to reality and I jump a bit.
"oh! It was nothing. I'm fine.. So! Can you show me the house where I will be staying in?" I say as I try to change the subject quickly, hoping that he will take it.

"Oh right,  that. Here, I'll teleport us to the house so we don't have to walk"
Red says as he grabs my shoulder and snaps his fingers teleporting us to his house.

WELP. There's the first chapter. I'm tired... I got to sleep now so I don't miss the bus... I'll update it tomorrow don't worry >u<
Bai my sanspaissss and Good Night/Morning/Evening/AfterNoon! >u0

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