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She loves you the way no one can love. She is the perfect lie detector. That's why you put on your best puppy eyes when you are around her.

I am sure this has happened to each one of us:

You: Mom did you see my dress?

Mom: It's in your cupboard only.

You:*searching sheepishly* no mom. It's not there.

Mom: *comes to your room and picks it out within seconds* what's this?

I don't know how but mother's are better than cops in finding things.

There are moments when your mom keeps staring/glaring at you. You won't know what stupid thing you've done this time.

That's when this happens:

No matter what happens, her love for you will remain the same.

Do you agree with us?

Then comment on why you love your mom so much.

The best comment will be mentioned in a forthcoming chapter.

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Have an awesome day

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