Chapter 3- Help

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Castiel watched Dean sit down and sigh sluggishly as he picked up his bottle of alcohol by the neck. As much as Cas trusted the Winchester brothers, he knew Dean never thought rationally or logically when it came to helping his brother, someone with more sense was needed. He quickly made up his mind and vanished from the room.

Dean only glanced up halfheartedly to where Castiel was previously standing and slumped in his chair more, before placing his gaze on Sam's face. He looked so strangely peaceful, but Dean knew that whatever Sam had going on inside his head was anything but peaceful. Dean knew Sam has memories that doesn't come close to the average person's worst nightmare.

Castiel appeared outside the door of a slightly run down hotel room. He figured he should knock in attempt to be polite, goodness knows the amount of times the Winchester brothers had chastised him for flying in uninvited. Cas had never really understood what was so wrong about it, until he innocently appeared inside the Winchester's accomodation whilst Sam was completely undressed after exiting the shower. They never spoke of it again of course, but Cas learnt his lesson.

He tapped the chipped and peeling white wooden door with his knuckles and stepped back. A moment later the door cracked open and half a head came into view. After the room's resident saw who was outside, she swiftly opened the door fully.

"Hello Mary."

"Castiel, what are you doing here?"

"It's Sam, he needs help. May I come in?" Cas answered her in a hushed voice.

"Of course." Mary stepped aside and allowed Castiel to step through. She swiftly checked the surrounding area outside her room before closing the door again. "What's wrong with Sam?" Mary asked in a worried tone.

"He was hit by a witch curse, physically he is perfectly fine, but he has been put into a coma. The influence of the curse is causing him to relive his worst memories."

"Do you know how to fix it?"

"Yes, African Dream Root. I'm sure you are familiar with it?"

"Yes, which hunter isn't?"

"Dean is waiting for some to be delivered from another hunter, he is planning on blindly entering Sam's mind. He could get himself trapped in there and he really doesn't know what he's doing."

"So you came to me?"

"You have a steadier way of thinking than he does, plus I couldn't think of anyone else to help."

"Does Dean know you're here?"


"Then I guess he will be getting a bit of a surprise, I'm coming."

"Thank you. You can organise your possessions now if you wish."

Mary packed a few things and stood in front of Castiel with nothing but a duffel bag.

"This may be disorienting." Cas grabbed Mary's shoulder and flew back to Dean.

Dean stood quickly when he saw Castiel return with his Mother. "What are you doing here?" He directed to Mary.

Castiel answered for her, "We need her help, Dean."

"For what? We can handle this ourselves." Dean asked, almost offended.

Mary answered this time, "If Sam is in trouble I have the right to be here. Besides, I had a case similar to this one before."

Dean put aside the thoughts he had wanted to direct to his Mother, she had after all left them and not contacted them for several days. Yet he knew when he needed to take offered help, especially when it concerned Sam.

"Did you save the victim then?"

"Yes, I did, but it wasn't easy. The mind is complicated and it is easy to loose yourself in it. Taking a few people in at once to work together makes things easier."

Castiel turned his body slightly around to face Mary fully, "And how did you wake them?"

"Find the victim and take them to the centre of their mind, which is usually where their worst memories are. It's ultimately where they can gain control over themselves again."

"Oh, that's going to be fun." Dean's sarcasm practically dripped from his mouth. He turned to look at Sam's sleeping figure and his eyes clouded with sorrow. "That's going to be really fun."

If you're reading this thank you, thank you, thank you! Not as many people are reading this story compared to my other one (Winchester Daycare for Grown Men), but I really can't complain! I have only been on here for a little while and I am surprised any people are reading my stories! So thank you!

Please comment any recommendations or ideas if you have them!😊

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