The unforgettable

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Hiro Hayaka is a pensive girl. She observes situations, predicting every outcome possible; then makes her move. Her parents put her in a mental institution when she was five, in fear of the things she was seeing. In fact she does see things, things that no one else can see; not monsters, nor goblins, nor devils but humans. Humans that no one else can see, because they are dead. Being a necromancer isn't an easy thing, especially when the doctors are trying to shove pills down your throat to 'help with the illusions'. Although things in Aster's Home is not at all what people think it is; there are several other teenagers with different abilities in the home and what they don't know is that it's not only the doctors that are watching.

Jericho is a Seishin, bound by fate to Hiro through an unbreakable bond. He is unable to be seen by humans but can be seen by the necromancers in Aster Home. With an absolute wit and solid apperance, Jericho is one that many do not like to cross, though at heart he is much kinder than many think. Jericho does not have a pretty past, nor do any Seishin, although as his horizons begin to open, he might begin to trust more than just his match.

Takumi Sentai is of a serious nature though when around those close to him opens up like a book. He is very protective of his Seishin Juno whom he would risk his own life for. He and Dai are very close friends and think of each other as brothers, though, he questions if his friend is truly happy or if he is struggling to catch up with everyone else in the group. A mere mortal boy with a brilliant talent for settling arguments sets out to help Hiro and to others to discover the truth behind Aster Home.

Juno, an innocently kind girl is bound to her match Takumi. Caring deeply for the boy, tries her best to make him happy as best she can. As a pacifist Juno is very likable by everyone though when enraged or forced to take action to protect those she loves will strike the hearts of her foes with no remorse. Juno disaproves of Jericho and Dai's rash decision making but ultimately has to keep close links with the other Seishin and cope with the erratic human boy.

Daisuke Sanada, a laid back and easygoing guy has no real plans for his future but knows that he wants to get out of Aster Home. Being a necromancer and not having a bond with a Seishin really marks a spot on Dai's spirit as those around him have one. He is often jealous of Hiro and Takumi because of their close relation ship with Jericho and Juno, but he hopes to one day have such a bond with a Seishin himself. Dai likes to keep his true feelings hidden under a layer of happiness at all causes but is ready to help Hiro and Takumi at any costs.

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