GaBu (AU)

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I walked into the Xbox club room. Pretty dank. Same thing everyday but my mom said if I'm gonna spend my time on Xbox might as well socialize. Now you might think "Whoa!!! A club room for gaming! Awesome!!!" Well, shut the hell up that's not even close. It's literally bait to get kids and teens to do "fun" things together. One time we finger painted. I still have nightmares about the blue paint.

Anyways I walked in and sat down in my normal spot next to Karl, Fagboi, and Gravy. Fluffy (I can't remember his real name) and Cookie used to be there but who knows where they went. Okay so I sat down and said my usual greeting to them. They returned it. K cool so we don't really talk a lot we just kinda take refugee to each other cause we all hate this 50 by 50 trash can that's supposed to be a socializing club. Whatever this is taking too long. Blah blah now you're pretty much caught up I'll talk about the new kid.

K so it was a normal day we were at the table eating dry cheerios when Bill walks in with some orange head kid. "Everyone! This is Burger! Please give him a warm welcome!" We all mumbled greetings. I didn't even think twice but Gravy kinda said it louder then everyone else. I looked at the new kid 'cause I thought he was looking at me, but he wasn't. He was looking at Gravy. My fujoshi senses started tingling. I liked where this was going cx

     To be honest I don't know if Gravy is gay or not, but as long as he makes eye contact with another guy, I'm just gonna assume he's gay. So Burger made his way over to the table we were sitting at. I raised my eyebrow. I mean I guess their isn't very many tables to choose from. About 6, but still. He chose us out of all of them? Okay so maybe it's just cause he thought we were cool? I dunno I shouldn't over think this, but what can I do? I'm a fujoshi. So Burger was like "May I sit here?" While pointing at the seat next to Fagboi and me. Well, I sit by Gravy, so I moved over and sat by Fagboi. Cause we're dating. Anyways so he sat by Gravy and they both started talking to each other. I just put my head on Fagboi and watched. (This fanfiction isn't about me so let's get back on topic xD) They were talking about random stuff. I wasn't really listening I was just watching them. Gravy moved his head towards Burger when he laughed. Like he wanted to be protected. Well, I can tell Gravy is the submissive one out of this relationship that they didn't even know existed. Bill came in and started talking to our table. Stuff about talking to Burger. I asked why he chose to call him Burger. He just said "well McDonalds were out of chicken so I got a patty" ......... this guy is so fucking weird. Gravy randomly said "Kenny likes Burgers" Who tf is kenny?
    So in the Xbox club room their are a lot of rules. One is if Bill says your name is ____ then your name is ___. Gravys name is Gavyn. I'm not supposed to know that though. Well. Bill heard him say "Kenny" and he got mad. He was about to snap. Once Bill snaps their is no going back. Well, I didn't wanna deal with that bs so I replied casually "Yeah? Most dogs do. Mine doesn't though. It's a vegetarian." Gravy looked so  dumbfounded cause he was scared. Whale, if he didn't get his sh*t together we were all gonna be fucked. I took my shoe off and threw it at him under the table. Burger felt violated when I put my arm over his thighs. He was definitely gay. My shoe got his attention. He replied "Yeahhhh my um La- I mean Shi- I mean pitbull don't really like meat either! Ha... ha...." Bill calmed down and walked away without another word. Now. I turned slowly to Gravy and gave him a dysfunctional look that consisted of a sly smile and slightly opened eyes. "So... Who's this "dog" named Kenny?" I asked very slowly. He replied shyly and rubbing his neck. "Well... you see...." Burger was kinda smiling. Like a goofy smile. Gravy looked down and sorta mumbled "Kenny is this guy..." He pointed slowly at Burger "And we knew each other as kids... and we are kinda dating." I lit up. Words couldn't describe. I started freaking out. I had a spaz attack. Oh my gog. oHmYgOG. It's happening. My otp. Omg. Kenny said "Kinda?" With a smirk. Gravy replied in a girly voice "Shut up!" "Submissive asf" I said barging in. Kenny laughed "Tell me about it" Gravy was embarrassed. "You guys are mean! ):" He looked away sad.
    (Reader chans prepare your beautiful eyes. What you're about to read is otp material)
    Kenny touched Gravys arm. "I'm sorry..... are you okay?" He said softly in his ear. Gravy squirmed and his voice cracked. "I'm fine you dummy! Leave me alone!" I sat back and watched this happen. I was too happy. This is great. Kenny pretended to be offended. "Okay" He looked away. Smirking, but pretending to be sad. I giggled really quiet. Gravy looked up slowly and reached his hand out to touch Kenny's shoulder. "I- I was just kidding you don't have to leave me alone...." Kenny's smirk turned really big. He grabbed Gravys hand, turned around, and kissed him. Not letting him escape with the firm grip he had. Gravy kept squirming and they both fell out of their chair. Everyone was staring at them all on top of each other making out. Theirs blood everywhere. Wait- why is their blood??? Oh. I have a nose bleed... That's embarrassing Dx. I hid my face in my sleeves and watched as everyone started freaking out and screaming. Well, I guess their can be good things about the Xbox Gaming Club.

Okay hello guys xD I hit like 1,000 sum words so be happy :3 anyways have a good day.

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