Vikturi: Untill my eyes enter the dark for eternity

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The cracking sound of blades scratching the ice,

Loud lovely music that made the skater become one with his movements, music that poured out their soul,

Whistles and shouting as you landed a jump perfectly,

The self-created wind that flows trough your hair with every turn,

I loved it, I loved it all~

Just like Yuri did.

His routine went perfect, he landed quad after quad. A smile was visible on his face as he danced like the angel he was. Everyone on the tribunes was going insane, I was going insane.

I was shouting his name louder than everybody else. So proud, but not blind...

I knew that his confidence was building up, and knowing him he would try something above his limits again. Maybe an impossible combination in the second half of the free-skating program. I knew he was going to do it, yet I tried nothing to stop him.

He was trying to win the grand-prix finale after all~

And there it was, the first jump that originally wasn't going to be in this part of the program, he did a triple toe loop. It was way too fast after his last turn and originally almost impossible to land from that position. Which was probably the reason why he outlanded it.

And that's where it went wrong. Immediately after, he did something that shocked everyone. My signature move, the quadruple flip.

He jumped, a flash of gold on his hand shined in the light.

He made enough rotions. He would win if he did this correctly, but then he landed.

I should say crashed.

Firstly his skates made contact with the ice and his legs collapsed to the side.

Secondly his neck.

Again a cracking sound, but this time it wasn't because of blades scratching the ice.


And that's when it all went silent for me, I stood there not being able to comprehend what happened. It was as if my brain refused to accept it, made me believe that it was all a lie.

I picked up a few sentences here and there, things that I noticed myself too.

"He's not moving.."

"What's going on?"

"The ice is getting red.."

"Is that blood?!"

It was, a whole lot of it too. It brought me back into reality. I subconsiously ran up to him, slipping on the ice because of those stupid shoes.
But people dragged me away before I could reach him.

I yelled, had to catch my breath because of it and started yelling again as they were dragging the one I loved from the ice.


I never told him that, that I loved him. Maybe I made it clear trough my actions, I honestly hope I did. I had loved him since the moment he started dancing with me at that stupid banket after my last grand prix, the one where Yuri finished last. The tought that he could've had the impression that I was just messing with him stung. The tought that I never said my feelings out loud stung. The fact that he wasn't waking up stung the most.

My sleaping beauty was hooked up to the machines in the hospital. He was in a coma, had been like that for a week already. The doctors said that it was a miracle that he survived the accident.

Yuri was a miracle after all~

They weren't sure if he would live long though. "We give it a week or so, I'm sorry." Is what one of them said.


"We'll get married after he wins a gold medal!"



I couldn't believe it, my heart was beating in my troath. He really won? I mean I had fate in him and I knew he was good but that he actually won? My Yuri, I'm so proud!

I run towards him after his amazing performance, slipping and almost falling twice before I reached him. Immediately pressing my lips to his and enjoying his... warmth?

Where is it...


"Viktor? Wake up please."

A weak voice called out to me causing me to wake up. I didn't quite know where the voice was coming from so I lifted my head. My gaze met his.


He smiled, he was awake. He's fine...

"Yuri! Thank god I was so affraid. Never do that again please, I love you too much I really do!"

I basically yelled at him while I started to cry, he noticed and wiped my tears away with a hand shaking to the extreme.

"I l-love you too Vi.. I'm s-sorry"

That was the last thing he said to me. It wasn't the never ending beep that startled me the most, it was his eyes that slowly fluttered shut and his hand that fell from my face onto the bed. It was the way he all of a sudden laid there without his moving chest, just silent and still. And above all, it was that single last tear dripping from the corner of his eye and over his cheek onto the white bedsheets.

Not only did you die, you took my life with you. Because you were my life and you will be untill my eyes enter the dark for eternity~

I'll see you soon, my love.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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