The Ball

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 Willow's POV

       It's almost time for the ball and Athena has been restless to try and find me a ball gown with a mask. She thought it would be an easy task but she kept picking super frilly baby blue and yellow gowns. She chose a few pretty ones but I didn't think that they would work for me. I want to make her happy so I went down to Hell and grabbed my favorite dress just for her. If she wants me to go to the ball and look nice then I will. She has the perfect soul but I just love her personality she could be cruel and emotionless but she chooses to be happy instead. I admire her just for that she will be perfect when I take her soul and I can't wait to do so.

              (Time skip to the morning of the ball)

       I woke up around 5:30 am to get everything ready. It's not like I needed much sleep, however, I enjoyed it since it gave my brain some time to just relax. I started making her breakfast and her morning tea. Once it was 7:45 exactly I went to her room and woke her up. After she drank her tea I helped her get into her morning outfit and lead her down to breakfast. While she was in her study working I went on to do all the chores I'm a bit of a perfectionist so everything is always perfect. After she was done with her paperwork I went into her study and started working with her on her school work. Once that was done she had a small lunch with her afternoon tea then violin lessons. She had two extra classes of dancing because of the ball. After the last dance class, I looked at the time and helped her into her dress because it was 5:30 and the dance was at 6:30. She had a beautiful purple gown with an amazing mask. It suited her so well, I was happy that I was able to help her find such a fitting dress.

 It suited her so well, I was happy that I was able to help her find such a fitting dress

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( That's Athena's dress )

       Once she got into her dress and put on her mask I left to my room and put on my dress. Once I came out and Athena saw me she looked so shocked and looked on the brink of tears so I ran down and said, 

"Miss are you ok what's wrong?" 

She just looked at me and said, "You just look so amazing you look like a queen." 

I was shocked I didn't think that I looked that good. So once we got into the carriage it started moving and we just had some small talk until we got there at 6:30 exactly. We got out and went to the door and when the butler saw me I knew who he was and he looked like he was blushing then he said, 

"Miss you look amazing."  

( That's  Willow's Dress )

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( That's  Willow's Dress )

       Athena and I went in and saw only a few other people. I felt slightly out of my element mainly due to how I was dressed, when I was in hell I never dressed up, for obvious reasons. I really did enjoy how everything was going so far. I ran a hand through a bit of my hair as I looked around, making sure to keep an eye on Athena in case she was in any danger. I knew I would feel if she was in danger but still I like being cautious. I started to slowly relax and observe before I felt a tap on my shoulder. Once I turned around to see who it was I and once I saw who it was I was overcome with joy because it was Claude, one of my old friends, and the man I was betrothed to. He put his hand out and asked 

"Hello, Miss May I have this dance? " I was so ecstatic to see him so I simply nodded my head and took his hand then he lead me to the dance floor.

3rd POV 

       He was standing in the corner, a tall, dark figure, dressed in all black, his red eyes gleaming as he watched her. He recognized the other demon, however, he couldn't put his finger on how. He also couldn't understand as to why he got so angry once he saw that disgusting demon touch her. He let out a soft sigh before shaking his head, he would introduce himself later, maybe soon he'd find out why he wanted her so bad.

Back to Willow's POV

      I was having so much fun as I danced with Claude, I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, I felt someone staring at me but I couldn't care less, I was just enjoying my time, swaying with him. I felt Claude tense up against me which caused me to look up at him and bite my lip softly. He was a lot taller than me, me only being 5'5 (5'9 in heels) and him being 6'3, seeing the worry on his face only made me worry more. 

"Claude, what's wrong?" I asked softly, before standing up straighter and looking around. I followed his gaze and saw a dark figure before chuckling and shaking my head softly. I said my goodbye's and waved before going to find Athena, I noticed she was talking to the owner of the manor, Ciel Phantomhive. I went up to them and bowed softly, apologizing for interrupting them before I noticed a demon standing behind Ciel, I raised my brow before going back to being straight-faced. I didn't want anyone to see any sort of weakness or confusion on my features. 
I smiled politely before introducing myself.
"Hello, I am Willow, Athena's butler, I'm sorry for interrupting, however, this party is fabulous, thank you for inviting us," I spoke softly, a smile on my face as my sliver eyes gleamed and had a slight red tinge to them before a smirk made its way on my blood red lips. I looked at the tall demon before excusing myself and walking away, my heels clicking against the floor as I made my way to the balcony. 
Once I was out on the balcony I let my eyes fall shut as I relaxed, not tensing as I felt the other's presence next to me. 
"Have you been watching me all night?" I asked quietly, still not opening my eyes before hearing him speak.
"Not all night, however you are very enchanting, you're a new demon, and a cat one at that, why are you only here now?" He kept asking questions as I let out a soft chuckle before I opened my eyes and looked up at him.
"So you're fascinated by me hm?" I purred playfully before shaking my head. "My mistress made a contract with me, so now I'm here to avenge her, that's all there is to it."

Sebastion's POV

This girl was so different, I had never met a demon like her, she was so different that I felt like I needed to know her better, it wasn't even a want anymore. As I listened to her speak I just felt myself getting even more drawn to her, but I kept a straight face, impervious to letting my own emotions show. I nodded with what she said being able to relate before letting out a soft chuckle and holding my hand out for her.
"Then why don't we go dancing so we can keep an eye on our master's?" I asked, my voice deep and velvety as I smiled before leading her to the dance floor. She smiled as I took her to the ballroom and started dancing, she was a really good dancer, which impressed me and made me want to know even more.

Small time skip

Willow and I had been dancing for a while before we both noticed that the party had gotten quieter. I saw the slight worry show on her features as she pulled away and ran around looking for Athena and Ciel before we both said,

"Fuck." We noticed they were both gone so I guess the night was going to be more fun than I thought. I saw Willow smirk before shortening her dress a bit and heading to go find Athena and Ciel. 

A/N: Here is chapter 2, I'm sorry for it taking forever and sorry for the little cliffhanger I hope to keep this going soon thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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