Chapter 2

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The day the two children met was a brisk spring afternoon. Ariadne was out searching the gardens eagerly, while Sebastian was begrudgingly walking outside. There was a feeling of mystery in the air, that day, one that could not be explained. That mystery though, made Ariadne twice as curious, and it made Sebastian not hate to be outside as much. Both children knew something spectacular was going to happen that day, and indeed something would. Ariadne was of course wandering around the garden, as usual, and somehow stumbled upon a path which she had never been. She didn't personally care if she got lost, cause it wasn't everyday that she found a new part of the garden. Her garden was very large (remember she was very rich) and was almost like a maze. All of the walls were made out of tall green hedges, which Ariadne would often look through to find bird's nests which she could study. As she was walking through the garden, the walls of the  maze looming above her, she reached a dead end. But this dead end was no ordinary dead end. In the middle of the hedges, there was a hole. A hole big enough for a small child, like Ariadne to crawl through. And what do you think she did? Well, she crawled through hole. And on the other side of the hole, there was a hill. Ariadne looked back at the opening, wondering if she dared to go further. This was the first she ever wondered if she shouldn't do something. She shrugged and continued up the hill.

Sebastian was also of course walking outside, but he wasn't doing it for fun. He had a garden very similar to Ariadne's and he too somehow traveled down a new path that day. But of course, he wouldn't notice. He was deep in thought, thinking of all the work he was going to do when he got home. (NERD ALERT) He didn't even realize he'd come to an opening in the maze until he stepped out. Unlike Ari's (as he would soon call her) garden, instead of a hole, the maze just cut off. When he stepped out of the maze, he finally came out of trance, to notice that he was in front of the hill. For the first time in his life, he was curious about this strange hill. He felt like something was drawing him to the top, like a nail to a magnet. And without thinking, he climbed the hill.

By this point, both children were climbing up the hill. They felt a burning deep inside of them tell them they must reach the top. So they climbed, and climbed, and climbed. (this was quite a large hill.) The anticipation was killing them. And then they made it. And they saw each other. The children just stared at one another, almost mesmerised by their faces. In wasn't until a gust of wind blew a bunch of cherry blossom petals of the tree besides them, that they stopped staring at each other, and turned to look at the tree. The tree was beautiful. The sun streamed through the petals, making the hill look almost magical. And to the two children, it almost was.

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