Chapter 1

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Lux's P.O.V.

 I bit the inside of my cheeks as hard as i could. I couldn't cry. Crying meant loosing and I hadn't lost since I was 9.

 I could hear their moans, their disgusting cries and heavily dragged feet. How did I get here? I had been so careful, so cautious on everything I did. Yet here I sat,  in a groundskeepers closet, forcing myself not to scream.

 I had seen the apartment building from the woods that was a couple miles away. It seemed safe, and there had to be some kind of food inside. Damn I was hungry. I walked all the way here and climbed up a fire escape into an empty flat. I decided that I would just make the flat that I had first crawled into my "home" because it was as safe as it could get. Then I started walking around the building seeing if there was anything useful. I didn't really think that this place would be overrun buy the Risen...which I realize now was a really dumbarse thing to think because this was the mother fucking apocalypse. 

 When I first heard the moans from the risen I was walking around the lobby area. I know.. I'm daft for doing that but I really did think the building was safe. I hadn't heard anything when I first came in and the couple hours I waited there was still no noise.

  I sat in the closet with my knees drawn to my chest and my re-curve bow to my side. I was debating on if I should go outside and shoot as many as I could down or if I should stay in the closet until I was dull news to the Risen. If I went out I might not have enough arrows to get all of them, but if I stayed in, there was no telling how long it would take for them to move on. 

  I sighed and counted my arrows. I only had 12 and there were definitely way more than 12 risen out there.

 All of the sudden I heard gunshots. Bullets flew into the walls, giving them holes everywhere. There were people yelling and the risen were moaning and no longer banging on the door. I laid on the ground, so the bullets wouldn't hit me. The yelling, moans, and gunshots stopped, leaving my heaving breathing and I stood up, notching an arrow and readying my bow .Then the door opened. 

 Before me stood a boy who looked around my age . He was carrying a Beretta 92FS and he had a knife at his belt. He was wearing a dirty sheriffs hat and a long leaved plaid shirt with darkish pants. His face was dirty but his gorgeous blue eyes were clearly seen.

 He looked me once over and started talking 

"Are you bit?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "If I was bit I would have turned by now."

He looked at me. "I didn't ask that. Are you bit."

I glared at him "No."

  Without asking he grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the closet. "What are you doing?!" I yelled at him. "Saving your fucking ass that's what I'm doing." he replied. I yanked my arm out of his grip and glared at him again.

"Don't facking drag me around I don't need saving."

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows "You don't need saving huh? Because last time I checked you where trapped in a closet surrounded by walkers with no way out."

I couldn't stop glaring at this kid. "I was fine I was just waiting for the right time."

"Right. Well if you don't need my help then I guess I should get going." he turned and started walking away.

 I was about to let my cockiness let him walk away but I was starving and I need some place to sleep besides this overrun hell hole. "Wait!" I called after him.

He turned around a smug look on his face "Yes?" he asked in an annoying voice.

"Can I come with you? To wherever you're going?"

He shook his head. "No. You don't need help." I stared at him. "I was kidding." he said shaking his head

I forced myself not to smile in relief. "Will you wait so I can go grab my shit?" I asked. 

He shrugged and leaned against the door. I assumed this meant sure because I bolted to the flat where my stuff was at and grabbed it, making sure I had everything, and by the time I was back down he was still leaning against the wall. He got off the wall and started walking right when he saw me, without saying anything. I walked faster to catch up to him.

"How many of there are you?" I asked 

"You'll see.'

I rolled my eyes again. "Where's your camp?"

"You'll see." he said again. 

 I gave up and we continued walking in silence. 

 He lead me to a giant prison in the middle of the woods. The place looked incredibly safe and I could see that there was a lot of people inside.

"Glenn! The gates." he yelled at someone walking back in forth in front of a massive set of gates.

 The person stumbled and hurried to open the gates. The boy grabbed my arm again and started walking me through the gates. When we were inside of it safely the man who opened the gates hurried to close them back up. After he closed the gates he looked over at me and the boy. 

"Who's the girl?" he asked. I assumed he was Glenn.

 The boy shrugged "Found her up in Huntersglenn trapped in a closet. Gonna take her to dad to see what we should do."

Glenn "Hold on let me switch off with Royce and I'll come with you." 

 The boy nodded and waited until Glenn came back, then they both walked me inside the prison. They led me into what looked like a cell block filled with people. A tall man that was talking to a group of other people looked over at us as we walked in. He looked at Glenn for explanation. "Where'd she come from?" he asked 

 The boy looked at the man. "Huntersglenn." he replied. The man came over to me and the boy and looked at us. And then he said "Beth, get the girl some water and food." 

 A blonde girl who looked a few years older than me got up and walked out of the room. Then a few minutes later she came back carrying a glass and a bowl of watery looking soup. She sat it down at an empty spot of the table everyone was around then went back over to her spot and sat. 

 The boy led me to the place where the girl, Beth, had set the stuff down and I sat, him taking an empty spot next to me. 

 "Whats your name?" The tall man asked me, coming back to the table.

I looked at him and shot "I don't have to tell you." 

The boy glared at me "Don't talk to my dad like that."

I glared back. "Mind your own fucking business."

A man with shaggy brown hair and a scruffy looking beard laughed. He had his feet on the table and he was polishing a crossbow on his lap. "I like her. She don't take no shit."

I looked over at him then back at the water I had been staring at.

"Look we're on your side here we just want to help. All I ask is your name." the tall man who was obviously the boys father, said to me.

I looked around the room. There was a pretty girl with short brown hair, she was standing by Glenn and holding his hand. Then there was a tall black woman with dreadlocks, using her katana to pick at something on her boot. Next to her stood another black man. He was rather big and he was wearing a redish shirt with some holes in it. Sitting down next to the girl who gave me the food was a little girl. She had dark brown hair and she looked like the boy standing next to me. I looked back at the the tall man. 

"My names Lux...Lux Waters" I replied quietly. 

"So Lux.. what's your story." Said the man with the crossbow.

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