Parkour is NOT my thing

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Cupids POV

"Cupid you are so dead!" I hear cony say on the other side of the door.

(Dang she be maaaad. XD)

"If you can get to me!" I shout.

That mad her mad even more. How did I know? It scared me when she said 'That's it I'm breakin down this door on 3!'

I look for somewhere to hide but even though the room is big..Cony is smart enough to find someone locked in their own room.

"1..2..2 and a half!" she yells and before she can say three I open the window and get ready to jump.

Its 3 floors high but I should be fine..I hope.

I jump out of the window and as soon as I do I here cony break the door into my room.

As soon as I think I'm in the clear I realize I'm still falling off 3 floors worth of death.


Before I can splatter on the ground something breaks my fall. Or..someone?

I had fallen on a guy with red hair, ruby eyes like mine, and he looked like he just got ran over. Oh wait.

"Ughhhh," we both growl as pain shocks our bodies.

I stand up and help him up.

"Sorry about that. You ok?"

He looks at me as if I was crazy. "You just jumped out of a window for what it seems and we both collapsed on the ground. For all we know we could have broken something. Do you think I'm ok?!"

"Well..sorry parlour isn't my thing?" I shrug in a sorry way.

"Ugh. The name's Dez." he says holding out his hand calming down.

"Cupid." I say shaking his hand.

"Sooo.. what were you doing jumping out of a window?" He questions concerned.

"Well...a killer friend? You?" I laugh.

He begins to laugh a bit. "I was about to check out my sister's new dorm. She's rooming with a couple of other people."

"What's her name?"


Hold the phone. This is Conys brother. She never told me about having a brother named Dez.

"I know Cony. I'm her best friend and room mate." I say smiling at him. "Wait. Do you go here?"

"No. I go to that one athlete academy around here."

"No way my bro goes there. Do you know a Cooper?"

"Um. I used to. Not anymore. If I meet him maybe. I may have to transfer though my dad wants me to go to some school called the Sk Academy? He wants me to be a successful shadow knight I guess." He explains.

Oh so that's why my dad and mom in high school named their group the sk. Huh.

I nod. "Well I'll take you to our dorm." I offer.

"Thanks. I honestly have no idea where I'm go'in." he laughs.

He opens the door for me and I take him to our dorm.

~time skip to dorm~

"Here we are." I say motioning my hand to the door. "You go first."

"Wait what's wrong?" he asks confused.

"What. Cony may wanna see her bro before the person she wants to hurt."

Dez laughs.

"Cupid.You're..just someth'in." He says smiling.

"Smart that's for sure. Now go in your sis may want to see you." I say gentally pushing him towards the door.

He opens the door slightly and when the door creeks everyone's head snaps at us.

Cony stares at Dez and smiles. "I see you've met my brother Cupid. By the way. How did you leave?"

"I may or may not of fell out off a 3 floor death trap from my window. Luckily Dez broke my fall." I say dramatically.

Dez facepalms in his hand.

"Well..then.." I hear Cooper say.

Dez's head snaps towards Cooper.

"Eh its Coops!" Dez yells. I guess he does know Cooper heh.

"Dez!" Cooper yells bringing Dez into a bro hug.

"Hey Dez where's Ash?" Cony asks.

"Oh ashlies coming. You know her slow as can be." Dez laughs.

"Who's ashlie?" Maiya asks.

"Our sister." Conys says. I've met ashlie. But Dez? Not even for a sec.

"Dez your head is bleeding." Axel says.

"I'll get a wet rag it is my fault." I say.

I go to get fowl from the bathroom but before I'm even half way there Ziggy opens the door and walks out.

"So your gettin him a towel eh." he says smirking. I roll my eyes As he hands me a towel.
I take it and put some warm water on it.

(As I start to fix up Dez's scratches everyone starts to leave. Its just me, Dez Maiya and Cony.)

"So I hear dad is sending you to the master sk academy eh." Cony says looking at Dez who's looking at me.

He glances over at Cony.
As I start putting all the cleaning stuff away.

"Yeah. I like being part sk but..its hard." He says.

I turn and look at him from getting a drink from the fridge.

"I know how you feel. When I was in high school I was a sk. I was one of the bad kids in school. Some people still consider me as one today. But I'll tell you one thing. I made friends which lead me where I am now." I explain.

"Which is?" he says looking over at me.

"Jumping out of Windows." I say sarcastically. We all laugh.

"I'm guessing insane friends?" Dez asks looking at me smiling.

"Yeah..but..its all worth it." I say smiling.

Hey guys Cupid here! Thx For Watching. Hope you enjoyed. No questions this chapter. So um..yeah! Have a good day!!

BAI!! ^-^

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