Final Chapter

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~December 3~

Cupid's POV

Me and Dez are in a police station. Why? Well, remember the prank we talked about a couple months ago. Heh. Well. It came back to haunt us. The police came to my dorm as me and Dez were going to hang out and whatever so I had to get ready. After I got dressed the police barged in and knocked over my door. They arrested me for the prank. Apparently when u want to scare your friends at a party you'd have to tell everyone else first.

So when I walked in the police station I saw Dez and went to sit next to him as the cops get paper work and stuff. Me and Dez were freaking out.

When they took us to that one questioning room me and Dez panicked. Right now I'm in here while Dez is in the hallway waiting. I'm the last to be questioned so this may take a while.

"Alright missy now it's time for your side of the story." The officer begins to say. "How did this all start?"

"Well me and my friends were hanging out in my dorm then Dez got the idea of texting me one night and coming up with a plan of revenge on my friends for scaring me every year around Halloween time." I explained.

"So...your guys idea of "revenge" was to scare everyone at a party as clowns..?"

"Well..not exactly. We wanted to only scare our friends. But we seemed to forgot to tell everyone else first. I'm assuming someone from there called you right?" I ask.

"That's right. I'm not saying who it is though. But I'll let you guys off the hook for now." When the officer says that my body is filled in relief..but then he continues. "But if you ever do that again, and we are called back there again..your both going to face some serious consequences. Understood." I nod.

I walk out and Dez stands up holding his and my paperwork. Luckily the cops are giving us a ride back to campus so if our friends see us it's gonna be rough explaining.

~back to campus~

Me and Dez sit on the front of the school steps as the police drive away.

" more pranks this year..or any year as long as we're in college." Dez says staring at the police cars.

I look at him with doubt. "We may not be able to do pranks this year but...the last three years for me.."

"Cupid," Dez interrupts. "No more pranks. You could get arrested. As much as that would be fun I can't have a criminal recored. Going to the Sk general academy is hard enough."

I look down at the ground. "Hey Dez?" I look up at him as he looks down at me sitting next to him. "Do you really have to go to Sk general?"

He sighs. "Well I don't have to. But. My dad went there so he's making me go."

"Because he's your father." I say thinking I understand.

"No. It's because he's Shad. The most famous Sk general yet." He says.

"I know who Shad is. And..your his son.." I ask.

Dez nods.

"Well it's getting late you should get going." I say standing up and walking towards the college door.

"Hey Cupid?" I hear Dez ask as soon as I put my hand on the handle of the door.


"Do you think we will know each other as long as you have with Ziggy and the others?"

I look at him. "Well..only time will tell. Wether we have grown apart or anything like that. Here's an example. You keeping me awake till 4:00 a.m while I have classes tomorrow is a good way to lose a friend" I say sarcastically.

He chuckles.

"Well I'll cya later then." Dez says smiling.

I nod as I open the door and walk to my dorm.

Dez's POV

Sitting in my dorm thinking about Cupid. She's so cool. But she is right. Time will tell. I've known her for a little while, but she makes me feel..idk. I feel like I have someone who can relate to me. I don't want to lose Cupid in my life but..time will tell.

I look over at my phone and realize we never did get that hang out of Starbucks we wanted. Heh. Maybe another time. I fall asleep to the sound of nothing but the thought of me and Cupid in the future..


HAI EVERYONE!! Ok so this was the last chapter of this book. HOWEVER! I may work on a fourth and final book. But that may not come out till later on but for now this will be the final book of this series. So I hope you guys enjoyed it. It was really fun for me.

I'm going to give you guys a few facts about the characters.

• these characters I role-play with on McPe.

• these characters from our role-play gave me the idea of YouTube channel so I want to thank them for the idea and inspiration I came into it.

• these characters I love so much because they give a great combination to the story and in the role plays well and I just love them anyway.

• Ziggy in this series does act the way he does.  When he tackled me or Cupid in the hallway he does stuff like that all the time when we we're role-playing. And he just makes me laugh 24/7 and that's what I love about this character.

• The events in this entire series hasn't happened but however I just thought that taking characters that I know and putting them in to a story I made up or the series if you will would make it more interesting so with that I love the series. Even they love this series as well.

If you guys could like or share this content I'd really appreciate it. Thank you for all you support. And I'll cya guys in the one. BAI HOMIES!!

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