Prologue: The Party

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It was New Years Eve 1968 and Molly had just gotten dumped. She and her boyfriend Chad had been going out for about a year now, and she didn't see this coming. She was never one to brag, but on this occasion she was completely blind sided. Everything she ever did was carefully mapped out. She was well liked by everyone in her school, captain of the cheer team, prom queen and a straight A student. How could this have happened to her? Especially on New Year's Eve, plans had been made to spend that night with Chad for the first time, and now that was ruined.Molly was determined to not spend the night alone, she was already upset enough as it was. She was going to make this New Year's Eve one she would never forget.

Earlier that week a lot of Molly's friends had invited her to parties that they were throwing. She turned each one down because of her plans with Chad, plus she wasn't much of a partier like so many of her peers. Now that plans had changed, though, she decided to call up her best friend Sara and let her know what had happened. Sara being the social butterfly that she was, was ecstatic to hear that her goody two shoes friend was finally going to go to a high school party.

Then came the issue of what she would tell her parents, Molly's clean cut lifestyle wasn't completely of her own choosing. Both of her parent's were very strict on her and her younger siblings. Her parents moved from Croatia to America about a year after Molly had been born, like everyone else, in search of the American Dream. With them, they brought a strict old world mentality that they couldn't quite seem to shake. That being said Molly and her siblings were very sheltered, and if they made any missteps, there were consequences.

Nothing was going to stop Molly from having a good night, she told her parents the same thing she had planned to tell them if her previous plans hadn't fallen through. She was going over to a friends house to help make posters and decorations for the back to school assembly.

Molly had just finished getting ready, she took one more look in the mirror, kissed her parents goodbye, and told them she would be home after she watched the ball drop. Neither of them had any clue what her true plans were, now she could relax and enjoy her night.

When she got there, the party was already in full swing, a bunch of teenagers walking around sloppily drunk. She decided that tonight, instead of sitting back and watching, she was going to join. Nothing would happen, she was in full control. She always was. Little did she know, whatever was in that punch that they were serving, really did pack a punch, and before she knew it she was one of those sloppy teenagers.

The next morning was a blur. Molly woke up in Sara's parents room, with a massive headache, and a horrible feeling that she was not in control at all last night. Before she could gather herself and try to remember what had happened the night before, she turned over, and lying next to her was a boy about her age, maybe a senior, passed out, completely naked. She didn't even get a chance to wonder why, because she then realized that she was also not wearing her dress from the night before.

What had she done.

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