Prologue: Where it Began

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The morning after the party was a blur, Molly refused to aknowledge what had happened that night. She left Sara's house without looking back and without speaking a word about it to anyone, including the boy lying in bed next to her. Whom she had a chance to recognize as a senior boy that shared a gym class with her. Before he woke up, she sneaked off, trying to forget that night had ever happened.

When she got home, as if her own guilty conscience weren't enough, her parents were livid because she had been gone all night. They could be mad all they wanted, and ground her as long as they wanted, as long as they never found out what truly happened that night. From there on out, she vowed to never let herself lose control in that way ever again. She was absolutely disgusted with herself. Her parent's grounding was welcome. All she had the freedom to do was go to school and come home, secretly she was grateful that she didn't have to be around any of her friends longer than the time in between classes. No one would ever know.

About a month after the party, Chad and Molly began seeing eachother again. Molly's parents had always liked Chad, not so much because of how perfect they thought the two were for eachother, but because Chad's father was a very successful business man in their small town, and Molly's dad made it known how important it was to find a man to support her. Molly had never thought of their relationship in terms of money, she really did love Chad, regardless of his flaws. She wanted to marry him, and could picture their futures together. Three kids, two boys and one girl, and a perfect little life together. She was almost positive that he was going to ask her to marry him, and soon.

Lately, Molly always felt tired and sluggish, and hardly had any motivation to get out of bed to go to school or even to see Chad in her allotted time with him. She had already stayed home sick a couple of times that week, and her parents began to worry about her. After weeks of feeling ill, her mom took her to the hospital to get a check up. What came next would prove to be the biggest thing to ever happen to her.

Molly was two months pregnant.

From here on out, everything was a complete blur. Molly's mom was mad, then sad, then mad again, and frantic all in a matter of two minutes. She asked her a dozen questions, and the only way Molly could respond was by crying. Molly could barely even move. She felt like puking, and couldn't tell if it was because of nerves, or because of this new development. She was 17, she had plans, she hadn't even graduated high school yet. She could not be pregnant, how had this happened. What was she going to do. How was she possibly going to explain this to her mom or her dad.... or to Chad.

She couldn't do this. How could this one bad decision come back to her like this. Her mom cried the entire way home, while Molly sat in silence staring out the window. Not thinking about anything in particular, but just kind of numb. Once they got home, Molly went straight to her room, where she stayed for the next 12 hours, staring at her ceiling in disbelief. Her perfect life plan had been shattered in one day. The next day her mother came to her with her plan. Because of their Catholic background and her parents dedication to the church, abortion was never an option. So the plan was without question or negotiation, she would be taken out of school, and the family would move to a place where no one would know about her pregnancy. She would live out the rest of her pregnancy in a place where girls had babies secretly, and then her mom would raise the child to be her own.

Molly could not argue, and would not argue especially since she couldn't come up with a better plan. This was going to be her life, and she had to come to terms with it. In the back of her head, all that she could think was what about Chad?

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