Chapter Three

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I nodded as she slipped out of the door as I quickly picked up the remote off the bed side table and press the button. The cover starts to descend as it finally covered the entire bedding. I wrapped myself in the covers as I could hear footsteps coming for the sides of my safe haven. I played this trick on Jack all the time. But somehow he was always able to raise the cover anyways. I closed my eyes as I could hear someone playing with the side of the cover. After about three seconds, I could hear the cover start to rise. See told you. There had to be some kind of keypad on the side. I kept my eyes closed as I could sense someone staring down at my body.

"Don't act asleep Cree Valentine." Jack's voice echoed through the room.

I sighed as I opened my eyes to see him hovering over the bed glaring down at me with his arms folded over his chest. I did not move an inch as he was done with the space between us. Grabbing my arm, he pulls me from my safe spot and into his body wrapping his arm around my waist. I try to pull out of his grip just once knowing the outcome but to prove to him he still has not broken me. Seeing how it was once again useless, I turned my gaze to his chest without saying a word.

"Why do you continue to torture me by letting this prick touch you?" He questions as he gently brushes his thumb across my lips.

I move my face away and look to the floor beside me. "If it kills you so bad , then let me go."

"I will never let you go Cree. You're mine! And since you think that you are getting off that easy, you are gonna be in for a big mistake. School is where you see that bastard and school is where you are not going for a week!"

"A week?!" I screamed as I turn my attention back to him with a wide glare.

Jack had did this to me before but it was only for a couple of days, and even then it was torture. Not being able to see Calvin or speak to him or have lunch together like we usually did. It killed me because during the day I was either stuck in the library filing books with Cain and Axel (unknown to Jack) or I was right behind him with everything he did. It was the worst. I thought that vampires are asleep during the day? Well that is only half true. They are most tired during the day but that didn't mean that they weren't up sometimes. And I tell you what Jack is one of those sometimes. Alright like all the time. The only time I was in the library was when Jack was too tired to do anything and I was sent to shelve books.

"Don't act like that is the only thing that you are getting in trouble for. I still get what I want from you tonight and as even more of a punishment, dinner is on you tonight!"

"What!? But you already have me going through all this and now you want me to do bloodletting?"

That's what most of the girls called it. It was pretty much offering yourself like a piece of meat. I hated it. Jack has only taken from me when I was in huge trouble and it hurt. It hurt bad. Most of the girls say that if you just let it happen the pain isn't so bad but they are all lairs. That or they all have a huge pain tolerance which was something that I thought I had already.

"You are and you will. I have told you over and over again Cree, you belong to me, and if any other person that I don't know touches what is mine, you get punished for it."

"But that's not fair. What if I was raped by someone else?! Would you get mad at me for that?" I push myself away from Jack after feeling his grip on my slack slightly.

"Raped by someone el- are you saying that I rape you?" His eyes are in a glare as he looks down on me.

I avert my gaze to anything else in the room but the pissed off vampire. "" I bite my bottom lip. "Maybe...yes...but you do!"

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