1: 'The Maze Runner' Trilogy Quotes (Spoliers, kinda.)

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Here are some of my favourite James Dashner quotes. Some may be funny, some may be sad, some may be a mix of both, and most will probably make no sense unless you've read the books. SO.... SPOILERS. Kinda.... Not that much.

Now, I'm only posting these because they don't fit on my profile.


The Maze Runner:

"You are the shuckiest shuck faced shuck in the world!"

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"I've been shucked and gone to heaven."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"If you ain't scared... you ain't human."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"I promised him!" he screamed, realizing even as he did so that his voice was laced with something wrong. Almost insanity. "I promised I'd save him, take him home! I promised him!"

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asked, pulling Thomas's attention away from Alby.

"Go ahead" Newt replied.

Minho nodded and faced the crowd. "Be careful," he said dryly. "Don't die."

"Great. We're all bloody inspired." Newt said."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"Minho snickered and leaned back in his chair. "Man, you are one butt-load of sunshine, let me tell you."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"But there was something about the largest object in the solar system vanishing that tended to disrupt normal schedules."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"You're disgusting when you eat," Chuck said, sitting on the bench next to him. "It's like watching a starving pig eat his own klunk."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"I just...feel like I need to save everyone. To redeem myself."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"Reason we're here is because almost every lovin' kid in the Glade has come up to me in the last day or two either boohooing about Thomas or beggin' to take his bloody hand in marriage..."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner


"Teresa stood up, surprising Thomas with her confidence.

"Guess he forgot to tell the little part about me kicking him in the groin and climbing out the window."

Thomas almost laughed as Newt turned to an older boy standing nearby, whose face had turned bright red.

"Congrats, Jeff," Newt said. "You're officially the first guy here to get your butt beat by a girl."

― James Dashner, The Maze Runner

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