Chapter 7

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Turners POV

What is it with this girl and not being in bed when I wake up. There's not a sound in this house to be heard. At least she can't have gone that far. As I get out of bed I put a clean pair of boxers on and head downstairs. To a buffet breakfast layed on the breakfast bar. Skye sat at a stool talking to someone over the phone. 'We can both see your not even dressed accordingly' A man says who I'm assuming to be her dad. 'Yeah sorry I didn't realise how warm in was going to be here. So I've had to keep clothing down its either that or your daughter will melt' Skye says lying it's freezing though the day here a warm at night. 'Dad come on get to the main reason why you wanted us both here. Were not stupid I know and so does skye that you don't want to talk about are clothing' Jace says trying to save his sister. 'As you know me and your mum have come to a stand still and agreement with each other that it would be best for the family if we got a divorce. I unlike your mother wanted to know if you are okay since finding out. Also I belive Skyelin your mum has had a word with you and you had a few words to say' Her dad says. Skyelin so Skye isn't her name it's Skyelin I'll stick with skye. 'I personally think we've been down this road before and I had the same conversation with you both. Yeah I did speak to mum yesterday I told her to fuck off back to chris. Dad I know what your gonna say and no I'm not going to apologise as she nearly called me a slut. So if you don't mind this is over I'll see you when I get back. I've got better thing to do than sort out my parents marriage for the third time' Skye says closing the laptop after ending the calls. Third time fixing there marriage no wonder she doesn't care. She looks at me with her blue eyes and give me the again I'm so sorry that you heard that look. Her dad was right she was really dressed but then I'm me and her dad's her dad and she looked fine it me. I can't belive most people talk to a girl for like 2 months before asking the ageing old question will you be my girlfriend. I've known this girl 4 days and she's already mine. How is this girl not with like a baseball player or head of the football team. She's with me a guy who moved her a month ago and doesn't even know his full way around the supermarket on my own. No words needed to be said as I lifted up onto my waist her arms around my neck her legs wrapped round my back. Were pulling each other closer even though there I'd not more room. We continue till we both need air. I gently place her on the floor and place playfull kisses on her lips. Till there's a knock at the door I would have been so pissed of we were in the middle of a session but we weren't I was annoyed but it could be worse right. As she answers the door. Only air is stood there. Holding a lot of boxes all labelled with people's name. Skye opens the door more so he can come in. He goes in and out about 10 times before stating that he had finished. Before whispering something to her that she thanks him for. After hes gone she goes into the room where he's been putting all the boxes. She says she forgot that it was the weekend that it had to be done and that why jace wanted to swap with her. She starts looking at the label and starts to pick them up and carry them up stairs. She says to me there Christmas decorations for every room has a different box and that she could have it done in an hour. I'd love to have said I helped her but every decoration had to be in a particular place so I just did Skyes room as she has the most decorations and she said she didn't care if they were in the wrong place. So true to her word we had done all 12 bedrooms in an hour. Were laid out on the sofa together. Her leg over me with the other at the side. Her arms hugging me. Her head on my chest and my chin resting on the top of her head. Watching anything that is on TV. We fall asleep like this for maybe an hour or so before I wakeup first for a change. I know every lad says this but watching what is yours asleep is the best feeling in the world. There a loud crash on TV that causes me to jump resulting in me waking her up. 'Are you okay' She says looking up at me. 'Yeah I'm good hungry but good' I say as she shakes her head. 'I'll order us some food then I've got two things to show you' She says winking at the last part. Before getting up and ringing the office for food. Once the food has arrived we go down to this little hammock and eat are food we stay there for about two hours. Before going back up to the house. I asked what the second thing was she wanted to show me. She told me to sit in the living room and wait for her to come back down with her surprise.
Mild smut
Finally, she returned to me in the living room and she was giving me a little strip show, slowly removing what she had been wearing until she was completely naked in front of me. Then she sat on my lap feeling my hard cock growing under her. I begin to kiss her, long and deep kisses on her mouth. Let's just say are last night here we've with a bang.

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