The Failures

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When I was a boy, my mother told me that nothing free was worth having. While I continue to disagree in certain levels, her message was clear: If you don't work for something, you won't receive the real prize. I'm not going to tell you that the real prize is the value of hard work, because that's not always the result. The real prize is the goal that you fought for.

So why are we here. Us. The failures. Why are we left to watch everyone else, day by day, their life's grow better but ours sit forever in the same spot that we keep falling down. Why are we here? How can we fight when every time we stand, we take another bullet to the chest- piercing straight through our heart. Yes we have hearts too.. does the world not understand this? We live, we love, we care- so why are we here?

We tried too- just like everyone else...

We tried for that test grade...

We tried to get their love.

We tried to be accepted.

We pushed past all that we were supposed to be able to do.

So why are we here?

Are we just the chosen of life, meant to sit lonely on the shore next to the chaos you crawled out of? Are we destined to lose everything? Is our existence only meant to be the example to others of what happens when you aren't good enough?

If that's true then why are we trying? What will it matter then? We can take your life's from our bodies, ball them up in our hands and throw them out our window. Giving up was always the easier route.

We may never succeed at anything we do. We may lose everything we ever hope for- despite our best efforts. But that's not our fault, and that's not my choice. I don't want to die not knowing what may have happened if I lived. I don't want to take the easy way yet.

Because we may not be the great and powerful, and we may not be the successful. But every story ever told had a background character. And we may never pass that school test. We may never get the love of our life. We may never be accepted as a person or recognized as an individual. We may spend our whole lives trying and failing. We may be led by a string and yanked at the very last second every time we're in arms reach.

But we're alive for a reason. And maybe our trying is the success that the world needs. Every person plays a part. There is no success without failure.

And all those people who make it big and achieve their dreams, they have nothing on us. They had to fight like everyone else, but we fight forever. We don't quit- no matter how much we lose. We are the invincible. We are the statues that people will later on marvel at and admire for the strength and courage that we show. We are the winners in the long run, because we...

We are the Failures.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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