Chapter 2

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A/N: hi guys im ba- *gets slapped hard in the face by angry readers* OW?! OK OK yeesh you readers are so impatient *get dunked on by angry readers* FINE GET YOUR CHAPPIES *throws chapters out the window* Reader: *jumps out the window trying to catch the chapters*

Your P.O.V

I saw another sans by the door with a confused expression.

"Uh, papyrus who's the human and the other humans??" The other Sans asked while looking at me and my sisters. He almost freaked out when he saw a clone of himself.

"WAIT IS THAT ME?!" The other Sans asked rather loudly.

I just awkwardly stand there and fiddled with the end of my sleeves. Until I heard a cough.

I turned around to see all the monsters staring at us including monster kid. Monster kid approached me and asked " Yo dude why do you have that mask on the side of your face??"

" Well its..... Kind of complicated to explain..." I replied unsure if I should show my other side of my face.

Monster kids eyes glimmered with excitement and curiosity. The other monsters have the same shimmer in their eyes.
(italics= you bold=voice)

okay what ever you do don't show them your face till they fully
Trust you ok??
Ok got it
Finally your not mature any more
Doesn't mean ill stop being ,mature

"yo dude you've gotta show us!!" Monster kid (I almost typed memer kiddo XD) said with enthusiasm.

"Oh, um im sorry but I just came here so... Oh..." I replied with an uneasy face.

Papyrus must've noticed this and asked me on a quite loud tone "HUMAN ARE YOU OK??" All the monsters looked at me with hatred in their eyes, some even glared at my sisters. "Ugh, you humans are like totally gonna die right know" one monster said with a sassy kinda like a mean popular girl tone.

"Me and my sisters are not humans" i protested with truth in my voice.

" YA RIGHT PFFT YOU GUYS LOOK UGLIER THAN EVER!!" One monster shouted an insult at my sister Jangi.

Jangi busted in tears and all my sisters tried to calm her down, I face down so there was a shadow covering my eyes so that my (e/c) orbs are glowing. All the monsters looked at me but then there accomplished smirks faltered when they saw me twitching and trying to keep calm before I go John cena at them.

( readers: ()  me: ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ)

"Uh, kiddo you alright there??" The original sans asked me.

"ꀤꎇ ꌩꂦꀎ ꍟꋪ ꌗꍏꌩ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꓄ꂦ ꎭꌩ ꌗꀤꌗ꓄ꍟꋪꌗ ꍏꁅꍏꀤꈤ ꌩꂦꀎ ꅏꀤ꒒꒒ ꋪꍟꁅꋪꍟ꓄ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ᐯꍟꋪꌩ ꎭꂦꎭꍟꈤ꓄ ꂦꎇ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꒒ꀤꎇꍟ" I said in a demonic tone.

(Translation: if you ever say that to my sisters again you will regret that very moment of your life)

The monsters froze and looked at me with terror and fear glimmering in their eyes. I sense that sans and the other sans was blushing and staring at me deep in thought. I growled a little bit and walked towards Jangi while glaring at the monsters.

I walked up towards Jangi and rested my palm on her forehead.

"ꍏꌗꀘ ꎭꌩ ꀭꍏꎭ ꌗꂦꃅ ꎭꍏꈤ ꀭꍏꎭ ꍏꌗꀤꍏꈤ ꓄ꍏꋪ꓄ ꌗꀘꀭꀭꅏ ꂦꅏꈤꌗ ꀸꉓ ꍏꎭꀸ" I chanted the spell of calm mind.

When I use my magic my left eye ( the one which is covered by the mask) glows brightly and
(f/c) flames burst out of both my eyes.

Jangi calmed down and fall asleep on my arms. I glanced at her lips yet calm sleeping figure. I walked up to papyrus and asked him in a whisper to let my sister Jangi to stay here for a bit, and well papyrus happily accepted but not that loud so the monsters Doesn't notice what were talking about.

Whats going to happen now??


Sup guys sorry this is short I'm in a hurry to school and I need to stop writing this book for a while since its very hard to update but thanks for reminding me and thanks for the views

Have a good day to you readers.

,by author chan

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