Dancing Turtles

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As i feel the sand between my toes and the rays of the sun on my back i look out into the distance at the beautiful blue water that surrounds me.

I see joyful faces of children playing and running in the water. I see birds of all colors soaring in the wind, free.

I hear the laughs of happy couples enjoying each others company. The waves are moving gently in symphony.

And as i lay my head down and soak in the marvelous view around me to my right i see baby turtles dancing in the sand.

Their shells are pich black like a shadow in the night and their belly show white like snow. They dance slow together moving closer to the sea. It was a glorious show to see.

They were jigging, circle dancing, waltzing, jiving and twisting to their own beat. The looked excited and anxious to indulge in the Southend On Sea.

They were alive, just born and very happy to be.

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