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"Do you ever just wonder what it's like?" Vic asks, the shining stars in the night sky reflecting in his dark brown eyes.

"What do you mean?" Kellin asks, starting absentmindedly out the fogged window, a clear oval like shape in the center where he wiped a spot to see out of it.

"You know, what it's like to be dead." Vic responds, drowned in his thoughts.

"Can't say it hasn't crossed my mind." He answers sighing.

"So you have," Vic says his voice filled with, something almost like excitement,"I thought I was the only one, well not like the only only person in the world, but the only person I've met."

"Oh, well, I think that's a thing people think about but don't usually talk about to others, you know?" Kellin comments.

"What are you saying? We shouldn't talk about it?" Vic questions.

"Well I didn't say that." Kellin replies quickly.

"Well you said it's something people don't talk about." Vic says.

"I didn't mean it like that." Kellin replies, resting his head down on Vic's shoulder.

"I know but, I just want that to be a thing people can talk about, why can't it be a normal thing to have a conversation around?" Vic asks with frustration.

"It can be, I'm sure people have that as a normal conversation all the time." Kellin says in hopes to make his best friend feel better.

"Stop being a hypocrite!" Vic yells, making his friends jump a bit in fright.

"What are you talking about?" Kellin questions confused.

"You said before that it was something people don't usually talk about and now you are telling me that it is a normal conversation people have." Vic yells again.

"Look, I meant people don't usually talk about it because it is a kinda depressing topic, and people do talk about, just not in everyday conversations, you understand, alright, now stop yelling at me." Kellin responds trying to stay clam.

"I still don't get it." Vic sighs, his angry voice from before now replaced with his usual calm one.

"Look, do you want to talk about it?" Kellin asks.

"Yes, I do." Vic answers.

"Okay well what do you think it would be like to be dead?" Kellin asks, repeating the question Vic had asked earlier.

"I think it would be.... silent almost, and quite dark, lonely," Vic begins to say," I think it would be peaceful." He finishes. Kellin looks at him confused.

"Why, you want to be dead?" He asks.

"Yes, don't you?" Vic responds smiling.

"Wait, you can't die." Kellin says, sadness showing in his bright green eyes.

"I can too, I think I might soon, I don't wanna be here, it's almost too crazy for me to handle, everything is so loud and bright, I want it all to calm down, I want to escape, everything." Vic says, staring down at the floor.

"You wanna leave me?" Kellin asks hurt.

"Well, y- I don't actually know." Vic says in a whisper.

"I love you Vic." Kellin blurts out, immediately regretting his words, fearing he wouldn't feel the same.

"Wait, you love me?" Vic ask, looking up from the floor, to look him in the eyes.

IDK what that was Lol. pt 2??? Yes, no? Alrighty well hope you enjoyed that, if you have any requests you can PM me or leave a comment and I will write it. Adios amigos!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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