laughes and giggles

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I walked down the street. The sun was going down and I wanted to go back to the tower but....I was lost....maybe this wasn't a good idea?...sigh. I really need a GPS. Nah, I'd still get lost.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone so far. I should have kept the tower in sight...

"Hey, babe. You lost?" a man stepped in front of me and was kind enough to ask.

He was tall and well built. His hoodie was covering his face. That along with how he held himself made me believe he was self-conscious. I could sympathies with him. He seems ok.

I smiled at him.
"Yes I am. Do you think you could help me?"

****...wade's (deadpool's) pov***

I saw this cute guy walking down the street, he look confused.

"Hey, babe. You lost?" I asked as I blocked his path. At first he seemed terrified, but then he looked at me for a few seconds, then smiled softly at me.

"Yes I am. Do you think you could help me?" he asked. Oh. My. God. He's the most adorable little thing ever!!

'Awww, so cute! We should help him. People could easily take advantage of the poor thing.'

' I think we should rape him. Show him how dangerous it is out here, and it's late so that makes it easier.'

'we can't do that! Look at his innocent little face.'

'innocent for now....'

"No! There will be no rape tonight! He's to innocent for that! I agree that he needs to be protected." I tell the boxes. I hear the boy in front of me giggle adorably.

"You're funny." he says still giggling. I grin at him. Alright, really though. Who wouldn't want to rape this kid?

"Here. I'll walk ya home. Where do you live?" he was about to say something....but was rudely interrupted by me getting blasted across the street by none other then Ironman.

***Tony's pov***

JARVIS told me Jack went out. I waited for awhile...but then it got late and I began to get worried. The kid doesn't exactly look like he can do much to defend him self.

I put on my suit and fly around to try and find the guy. When I finally did, I saw Wade Wilson flirting with him!

I blasted wade away from him and flew to jack's side. He looked shocked.

"Are you ok, cutie?" I asked looking at him closely. He seemed fine physically.

He nodded and looked at Wade worried."he's fine. I wish it were that easy to kill him." I said then picked Jack up and began to fly home.

He frowned
"Why did you do that?" he asked

"Because he was flirting with you." I answered simply.

"No he wasn't. He was trying to help me. And even if he were, why would it matter to you?" I smirked (even though it was hidden by my helmet)

"Because I'm the only one allowed to flirt with my cutie." I replied easily. He looked confused, tilting his head to the side a bit in an adorable way, making me chuckle.

He's already getting used to me. I think. I'll need to be careful. Other people will surly want to take him from, how to kill Wade...

---------time skip----------------
****Steve's pov******

I was walking to my room, then I saw the new kid having an intense stare down with my door.

I chuckled and he jumped, seeming to have just realized I was there.
"Can I help you?" I asked. He tensed a little and went back to his one sided staring contest. Right. Trust issues.

I go and stand next to him. I join him in his staring match with my door. I watched him out of the corner of my eye.

He had a slight blush on his face.
"Um..t-this is y-your room. Isn't it?" he asked meekly with a quiet voice. I nod, and his blush deepens slightly.

"...I don't know where mine is..." he says sheepishly wile rubbing the back of his neck. I smile reassuringly at him.

"That's ok. It's a big place. Did anyone tell you where?" I asked.

"Y-yeah..Tony gave me directions when we got back...bit you see, I kinda suck with directions..." he answers and bites his lip nervously.

I smile at him again.
"It's fine. Sadly I don't know where your room is, but you can sleep in mine if you like. I have a couch." I tell him.

He hesitates, but then he smiles softly and nods his head.

We walk in and I show him around. You see, the 'rooms' are more like apartments. Courtesy of Stark. I take him to my room

"And here's the bed. Just tell me if you need anything, I'll be happy to help." I say, but before I walk away he stops me.

"Y-you mean you're sleeping on the couch?" he asks with a frown. I smile and nod. He shakes his head furiously

"No you can't! It's your place! I can't let you sleep on the couch."

"You're my guessed. You can have my bed, I don't mind giving it to you." I said reassuringly.

"No, I'm your uninvited new teammate that you barely know and is already intruding on" He looks around. "Whare I come from, this is a mini house..." he says.

I chuckle as he forgot what he was even arguing about.
"If you really don't want me to sleep on the couch, then whare? I'm not letting you sleep on it." i reply. He pouts. "Look Jack, I don't sleep much anyway. I slept enough when I was frozen in ice." I told him. He huffed and put his hands on his hips, and had his hip cocked out to the side, with one eye brow raised. You know, that look mom's give their kids when they want them to do something, and if you don't do it then you better run for you life? Yeah. That look.

I gulp loudly.
"....ok...we can share the bed?" I offer. He shrugs and jumps in bed, then stops and looks at me.

"What side do you sleep on?" he asked.

"I don't care."I shrugged. He smiled and climbed over to the left. I climbed onto the right and pulled the covers over us.

When I reached for the lamp, my foot brushed his foot. He gasped and quickly pulled his foot away. I looked at him.

".... jack?"
"Are you..ticklish?"
"......"He said nothing and looked at me in terror. I couldn't help the smirk on my face.

Before he could run, I grabbed him by the waist. I easily over powered him and was soon sitting on top of him, pinning him to the bed. I made sure not to put to much of my wight on him, I didn't want to hurt him.

Without another word I began the torture. He was soon a laughing, giggling, panting mess. Is it bad that I like this view? I stopped to let the poor guy breath.

He was still giggling and panting a bit so I decided I was finished with my evil ways for the night. I rolled off him carefully, so I didn't hurt the poor kid.

It wasn't long before he was asleep, I guess I really wore him out, hu? Then I yawned, just now realising how tiered I am. I smiled as I doze off listening to the sounds of Jack's breathing.

1266 words

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