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You make me happy

I hate it. Every day she threatens to kill herself. I flinch every time she suggest that she should. She says she cuts herself and nobody loves or cares for her. I try to tell her how I feel about her but It's so complex for me. I told her that If she would kill her self..... i wouldn't know what to do. That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to say if you killed your self my life would be so bland and lifeless. Useless. I would sit in my room all day with no words. Thinking, what went wrong? was it my fault? I would blame myself because I know you have such an affect on my life I assume I would have at least a little on your death. Every time I think of you my eyes tear up in happiness. Every time I think of you... I'm happy. You are my best friend and care about you, and I love you.
By melodyautumn

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