Chapter Five - Make an impression

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Chapter Five - Make an impression

" How did it go?" Seeder asks kindly.

" Ok mostly." Thresh replies, " Rue started abit of an argument."

He tells the story and we all laugh when he has finished, the boy from 2 still doesn't know who really took his knife.

" Shouldn't have left it lying, remember that when your in the arena. Take what you can, don't think of anyone but yourself." Seeder says,

Give Seeder her due, she has been great to us. She knows how we are feeling, shes down to earth and shes gave us good advice about how to survive in the arena. Much to Fonda's annoyance as it usually interrupts one of her great comments on fashion. I like Seeder, shes nice. Unlike most people that now surround me, shes a breath of fresh air in this stuffy captiol. Im very thankful for her.

In a way, i feel like ive lost my childhood. If i ever had one, even if i become the victor ill have watched teenagers die and kill others. Whatever remaining price of childhood i had left, the part of me that loved singing, and playing with my younger siblings has vanished. It saddens me, and Thresh seems to face had dropped. He mouths something to me along the lines of " Are you ok?" I just shake my head to show im not.

He gives me a little smile, and i try to return one even though i don't feel like it at all. After dinner we watch some cooking contest on the tv, the judges only have mere mouthfuls. And. It triggers something inside me, the anger boils up inside me and i clench my fists. My family are starving! Here, where they have too much food they don't even have the decency to eat it all! Fonda and Seeder stare at me, but i don't care how i look to them. This is fucking awful! All we are to the capitol is entertainment, no wonder there was a rebellion!

There should be another! They deserve to die, to starve to death, to lose their families, be alone for what feels an eternity, i hate them!


Fonda's voice has compassion in it, and she looks intently at me.

" Its just wrong! People back home are starving and you are wasting your food!"

I surprise myself with how high raised my voice is, I stop realizing I've hurt Fonda's feelings by doing so.

" I'm sorry...."

Fonda purses her lips, but waves a hand of dismission. Meaning to forget the subject, we change the channel and we do. The subject does not rise again. It crosses my mind that Thresh musts have a greater hatred fir the capitol than me, he said his brother was an avox. I wonder what his brother did to deserve such a fate, but i don't dare ask. I go to my bedroom that night, and shower. This time i leave smelling of oranges and clementines, again these are luxury fruits i cannot afford to eat nevermind use them as fragrances.

An avox boy comes in, he prepares my bed and i send him off. I want my life to be normal, to be with my family. I wonder if little Alyssa is lying asleep in her cot, the same one i once slept in. I cant help but feel sorry for myself, but i then think of Thresh's parents. If thresh doesn't win they have lost two sons, to the capitol. The very thought pulls at ny heart strings, but i cannot care for him. His survival means my death, i cannot feel ant sorrow for him and my fellow tributes.

The next two days go by quickly in the training center. I learn how to use a sword, throw a spear and learn the names of different animals i may come by in the arena. I already know alot and i can identify different plants and their healing powers, we're taught this in school. I suppose my education has came in handy. My mother always said it wasn't any use to her, why die she need to lean Panem's history? Play instruments? Shes spent her entire life working on the fields.

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